Hi Rahel, I'm in Australia so not familiar with the the nutritionist, but just wanted to say that I firmly believe in anti cancer nutrition efforts. Have you read the book "Anti Cancer: a new way of life" by Dr David Servan-Schreiber? Its very good and fully backed up with evidence from medical and scientific journals. I like to eat healthy anyway so I figure that a diet high in antioxidant-rich food which is mainly fruit and veg, low in processed food and meat, is not only good for you but also good for the environment so no harm in eating an anti cancer diet either way!

Monica,33 Mum of 3. Former smoker
SCC right lateral tongue. Intially thought to be cell dysplasia and dx as SCC after surgical excision.
Nov 2010- partial glossectomy (1cm in width), partial neck dissection. Margins clear, nothing found in nodes- YAY! Benign tumor on saliva gland.