My husband had the neck disection and removal of lymph glands too- He had about a year of the extra fluid in his neck and face, and finally the lymphatic fluids found alternate routes. Erik had a very large and tight scar on his neck as well, and the longer out he got from surgery and treatment, the tighter it became. Along with numbness, tingling, and muscle spasms it made things very difficult for eating and even driving as his head wouldnt fully turn. He tried Botox, but it had very little effect, finally a plastic surgeon decided to cut out the scar tissue and repair the area. His plastic surgeon said that since he was still healing when he got the radiation, it probably caused more scar tissue to form than normal. Once he had the surgery it was an immediate relief from the choking sensation. I hope this helps some. So sorry you are going through this, glad you found OFC as it has been an amazing tool for us.

Caregiver to Erik -1st DX 12/22/2005 SCC of Tongue, T3N1M0, hemi-glossectomy,60 nodes removed, carboplatnin,Erbitux, 35Rads.
Reoccurrence T1N0M0 4/14/08-partial glossectomy-16 weeks Erbitux and Taxol-
3rd reoccurrence 5/18/12- partial glossectomy