Hello Anne-Marie

So happy to hear your son is doing well! My daughter had thyroid cancer but it was caught early and she is doing well also!

The hospital has worked with me and forgave my bill last year when I had my gall bladder removed. I qualify for the local free clinic but every time I go I see someone different, sometimes a doctor but not always. They referred me to an ENT and he said he thought I had acid reflux. There is just no way I believe that is the case and then yesterday was told possible allergic reaction to my bp meds that I have been taking for ten years.
It is the fact that I don't feel I'm being taken seriously that has caused me to become much more paranoid then usual.
Taking the advice from this forum I have made an appt. with an oral surgeon on the 8th of December.
I will come up with the money somehow!
Thanks again and I will let you know what he finds out.
