Thanks Charm and yes reading through the survivng or existing post and all the posts for that matter makes me feel better about Dad and helps me realize this OC is really bad and Dad has had a healthy long life up to this point so I try and focus on that. I had a great visit with him and hope for more.... My mom who has put up with him for almost 50 years has banned him from driving since he bumped the guardrail driving to the VA last week ( i joked to my neice - grandma's gonna kill papa with the frying pan before the cancer does) .. He was fitted for his next mask today and looks like he is scheduled to start next round of RT on November 8th.. so we hope for the best.. Thanks for listening

My Dad - 85 yrs old; 9/09 diagnosed T3NOMO; rad/low dose chemo; all clear; 6/10 - L retomolar trigone; more chemo; seems to have shrunk; 10/2010 back - significant ulcerative mass in the left retromolar trigone extending into the left tonsil