The VA team has decided on this course of action but we are still looking into another opinion. His teeth are bothering him - he onl had a few removed prior to the first round of RT - wish they had removed them all .. Dentist would like to have some extraction done to improve his pain, even though we don�t know how much pain was from the bad teeth or tumor. But she preferred to have hyperbaric treatment prior to extraction which may take more than a month, which will delay the RT. Therefore they agreed he should proceed RT first, followed by hyperbaric then extraction.

Regarding chemo, they will most likely choose some chemo regimes.

At yesterday�s tumor board, surgeon mentioned that surgical removal of the gross tumor is feasible, however oncologist has concerns about the postop recovery. So they finally agreed to proceed chemo RT only.

they will contact him next week to setup the CT sim.

he is still in a lot of pain even thouh i thought it was getting better and he managed to go to town meeting this week.

still not sure if surgery would be the "better" option

thnx for listening

My Dad - 85 yrs old; 9/09 diagnosed T3NOMO; rad/low dose chemo; all clear; 6/10 - L retomolar trigone; more chemo; seems to have shrunk; 10/2010 back - significant ulcerative mass in the left retromolar trigone extending into the left tonsil