I got the news I did not want to hear but deep down I expected and at times I even tell myself this is how it will go for I was deserving of this path. 49 nodes removed, 2 positive and have my meeting with oncologists Oct. 13th to begin my everyday zapping. My tongue they say is 95 percent healed although they found a spot for potential bleeing and popped then sewed it. So I am in complete wonderland right now and just want some damn normal food to make me feel better.

Here is where you, my friends come in...Why lie, I am scared to death that this disease is still wandering around in my body and how unsure they were today of is it or is it not still around but lets zap ya just in case. What can I expect, How can I get through this, How can I avoid another feeding tube and any other tricks o the trqade any of you may have. Prepare me my OCF coaches, and I will train the best I can. Thank you all for prayers and support but unfortunately we got a little more ways to go. Love Yall

Your Friend


SCC left lateral tongue, left neck dissection. 2 nodes positive. 3 All Clear then ITS BACK 8/23/11 Shows 1cm in tongue in CT SCAN, Radial Free Arm Flap with Radical Neck Dissection 9/20/11 , All Nodes Negative, But Tongue Tumor Poorly Differentiated. Awaiting next step in treatment on 10/5/11... RIP Nate 7/28/12