Hi All-
I'm wondering if anyone has tried getting through airport security with liquids like Ensure. After having multiple surgeries I have a lot of trouble swallowing, I can eat some solids but I rely a lot on smoothies, ensure, etc.
My husband and I are taking a getaway trip and I want to bring a small cooler with me, packing liquid vicodin, ensure, and soymilk boxes. Don't feel like checking a bag plus I want the drinks in the airport with me in case I get hungry. The TSA website says it's ok to bring liquids that are medically necessary. Just wondering if anyone has had any personal experience with it and if I'll get hasselled by security. I also feel like trying it, because it's only fair. If someone with diabetes can bring all of their stuff, then someone with cancer should also be allowed to bring their stuff. Last time I took a trip, the flight was delayed and then I had the added stress of having to try and find something I could eat in an airport. Sometimes I get tired of the stress around eating, I'm sure everyone else does too!

Age 36. Four years of fighting Stage 4 Skull Base Cancer
Can't even fit it in the signature line. I've tried it all! 5 surgeries, IMRT, cyberknife, cisplatin, erbitux, AIM, taxotere, carboplatin.