Jeremy, I am brand new to this site, but not new to oral cancer. I never smoked, but KUDOS to you for quiting! I am one of the fortunate few w/recurring cancer, but no radiation treatment - only surgery!! Squamous cell on my tongue & mouth floor in '04, '06, '08 - appt on Friday, to look at some sore spots, which may not be cancer. I made the mistake of Googling mouth cancer w/my first postive biopsy - VERY scary! Despite 3 surgeries, only I can notice the difference in my speech. My advice, which has carried me through it to only worry when the doc gives you something to worry about - try your best not to borrow worry!! Other than that, thank you for your military service - I have a son-in-law in So. Afghanistan at this time. I hope and pray that you get good news and no longer need this site!!!