Thanks Kelly! I have read all of your posts. I was reading just last night about how you found out about your cancer. It was very well written and just very honest in regards to your feelings and the emotional aspect.

I'm glad that I've calmed down a little too. I was making myself very ill. I'm still on pins and needles but praying for a good outcome.

I've been through a lot in my early years. I was married really young and widow by 22. My husband was a West Point graduate and captain in the military when his long life ended at the age of 24. He had such a bright future ahead of him. When our young men and women enlist in the military, they know there's a chance of bloodshed, but still sign up to serve our country. I know my experience doesn't compare to the sacrifices our armed services members make.....but it seems to me that everyone here has been through a war and is definitely a survivor.

Thanks again Kelly for the reply.
