It must be the "23" year mark. My marriage ended after 23 years due to an affair and other deal breakers for me. Only you can decide what to do - that's the good and the bad news. No one can tell you, but you. Trust is gone, so don't look for that to come back ever. What I learned after my 23 year marriage ended, was that I could make it by myself and support my 2 kids. I didn't give up my lifestyle - it just changed; and I grew so much during those painful divorce years. What it also did for me was open the door for me to be able to find my soul mate, Jim (and I married him even after he found out about having cancer) - there are people out there that will love you for you - cancer or no cancer. So, listen to the whisper that only you can hear, keep it all in perspective, and take it 1 minute at a time. Feel free to pm me anytime. Good luck! Paula

Caregiver to Husband 50 yrs.young-non smoker/non-drinker; Stage IV - all treatments stopped August 2009
Lost the battle November 23, 2010