Thanks for the link. I am reading the how to's and have a comment. Instead of rewarming the food in a microwave, it is often easier to bring it to room temperature by placing the container in hot water. The food container should be around two cups and the hot water should be in a container at least 4X bigger. This prevents microwave hot spots.

I will have about 5 days between the surgery and my brother being released from the hospital to go shopping and pre-make some food. I won't know if he is going to have a peg until after the surgery.

Brother Dx oral cancer March 23. Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Mod Dif Anterior Floor of Mouth, Peridental Soft Tissue, Right Bony Margin. Lymph Nodes 0/56 Stage II,pT2,pN0 2.8 cm
I was Dx b/cancer 9/2007. IDC Stage2 Grade2 2.4 cm 0/8 Nodes ER+ PR+ Her-2 Rad 33 no chemo.