Can I ask, Markus - am I right when looking at your signature to think that your first rad and chemo were on the same date, then a couple of weeks later, you switched to a wider rad field, and switched from Erbitus to cisplatin, then added in carbo (is that carboplatin?) Was this your plan from the start, or did you change the chemo drug and IMRT field based on ongoing diagnostics?

Did you see people in treatment who were unable to complete planned chemo? Do you know why (I'm assuming side effects, but which is my question)? From what I've seen, a couple of places around here have what I'd call some sort of chemo "lounge", with several people in comfortable chairs receiving treatment in one large area. I have no experience to draw from, just what I've seen on a couple of centers' websites and on TV/movies. Did you see/communicate with others in/during treatments?

44 at 10-26-2009 Dx; SCC, T2N2b, St.IV BOT; Rt. Tonsil out; PET 11-12-09 (3 spots); 3 rds Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5-FU started 11-19-09; PEG 12-24-09; 7 wks chemo-rads done 03-16-10. 06-28 CT/PET watching 1 node; PEG out; 11-15 CT - larger; 11-23 PET activity up; mrdc 12-21; 04-01-11 CLEAN SCANS! ; March 2018 new SCC - Meet with surgeon 4-4-18