We've been together for 11 years. He always drank heavily and his drink is VODKA. He was sober during treatment and during recovery but now he is back at it. I've talked with him. He said that he isn't ready to give it up. George is 52. He doesn't drink every night but when he does drink, he drinks enough to "tie one on." Said that he doesn't see the point in stopping since it probably wasn't what caused it (HPV positive). It was hell for him, for me, our family. I am exhausted and frustrated. It is such a slap in the face for me that, after all we went through together, he would choose this?! He knows it worries me but says that it "shouldn't." I liken it to playing russian roulette. I don't want to be there when the gun goes off. I'm angry. Please help.

Caregiver to SURVIVOR George; Stage IV SCC no primary; HPV positive;
heavy drinker, moderate smoker; discovered in lymph nodes - surgically removed; dx March '10; PEG tube; 3 bolus cisplatin; 35 radiation treatments completed May 22,2009; Kickass support system