Thanks Guys - I am meeting with my ENT and Dentist today. I forwarded a link to the ENT regarding the therabite. It looks very good to me. I am scared of the tongue depressors. The wood edge has caused me no small amount of discomfort in the past. Thanks for the suggestions. My wife even found information on accupuncture helping. I would not have guessed but I am willing to try. I'll let you guys know what the plan is after the appointment. Thanks again for the kind suggestions and for being there.

11/1999 SCC tongue - surgery
1/2000 Met(s) in lymph nodes - modRND
2/2000-4/2000 RT ~6 weeks
end of 2006 SCC tongue - surgery
1/2008 SCC BOT - surgery / PEG installed
2/2008 chemo & RT
4/2008 last time I consumed solid food by mouth