Hi Eric, I am familiar with turmeric, and cook with it daily. A large bag (like a half pound) costs about 6 dollars in the US if you know where to look and get the good stuff. I see Whole Foods (part of the whole "natural" racket) sells a few tablespoons for the same price, and I doubt it's as potent.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think turmeric can be consumed in high enough quantities by most people to equal the volume of anti-oxidants my FIL is getting from goji berry.

I did not start my FIL on anti-oxidant therapy until well after his treatment was concluded.

I do not advocate this for everyone; I just decided to do it because I don't think it will hurt and it adds a lot of fiber to a liquidy diet.

FIL completed treatment 10/08. CG to father in Law in india who had SCC oral tongue T2N2M0. FIL underwent surgery, neck dissection, IMRT, and erbitux without losing weight or getting nauseated. Completed October 2008. SO far so good.