Thank you all again for your kind words and a special thanks to the ones who took the time to add a message to Ron's memorial site. It's coming up on 8 weeks now, and I swear it still feels like it was yesterday most of the time. We are slogging through, though. I am now up in central WI. with our oldest daughter. She and her husband just bought a home, so I am trying to help with furniture, painting, etc. It gives me something to do. I know I can come here for support and frequently do. I also will try to stay around to help those who I know will be coming here newly diagnosed.
Nancy, I can't PM you, I am wondering how Steve and you are coping. Please PM me if you need support. My prayers are with you.

Lori, cg to H Ron, age 56.
Stage IV Oral SCC-T1N2. Tongue resected and right ND 8/05. Teeth removed, PORT, PEG, IMRT x33, Cisplatin x3. Tx ended 10/05.
Recurrence 7/08 Stage IV. Surgery 8/30/08.
2nd recur. 11/08. 2nd surgery 2/2/09.
3rd recur. 4/9/09. Erbitux wkly. 5/09-?
Ron died 6/6/09.
Lori also passed away 8/20/11, colon cancer