Posted By: Dave1989 Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-28-2011 04:07 AM
I originally started this idea in my introductory thread.

So far, I've sent an 800+ word document with photos via email to the following locations:

The Today show, Sunrise, 60 minutes, 7pm Project, A Current Affair, Today Tonight, ABC Health & Wellbeing

Nova, B105, Triple M


Courier Mail, Daily Telegraph


These are the places i could think of. I'm from Brisbane.. I sent out these emails about 2-3 hours ago. I just checked my emails & i've recieved a reply from ABC's Health & wellbeing. They are interested in the story. Here's the email they sent sent me..

Hi Dave

Thanks so much for taking the time to write to us. It sounds like you have really been through the mill in the last year, but it's great that you are getting back on the road to good health now.
We would love you to write something for us about your experience and we think the messages you hope to spread, about the disease and the importance of early detection, are incredibly important.

We usually ask people to work on the piece for a Your Story themselves, but then one of the editors on our site will have a look at it and help polish it up before we publish. So there is sometimes a bit of back and forth before it's published. We will also work on some fact boxes to go in the story, explaining a bit more about the condition for the audience.

We also send all our Your Story contributors a gift voucher for the ABC Shop as a thank you for their time and being kind enough to share their story.

Let me know if you are still keen to go ahead.
All the best

Rebecca Jenkins
On behalf of the ABC Health & Wellbeing team

So promising signs early on. By the looks, this will require me to film a segment on myself if i've read correctly. Out of the listing i sent the email too, this one would be the station with the lowest ratings though.

What are people's thoughts?
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-28-2011 04:18 AM

Im hoping that these news outlets will pick up on the trend that we have going on here in the US. OC is beginning to get noticed. You are doing a wonderful job at trying to educate both the public and medical community of this terrible disease.

Have you considered hosting an oral cancer screening event? They are very popular here in the US. Not sure how things like this work in other countries.
Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-28-2011 04:22 AM
thanks Christine.
It's a start. I'm heading out to the gym now, but i'll have a think when i get home and i'll reply to them and go from there. Hopefully i'll hear from elsewhere as well.

As for an oral screening event, i've only heard of them through here with you guys. I'll have a look into it. I've gotta go now for an hour or so.

talk soon
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-28-2011 02:18 PM

I have found that most people about to do a story on HPV or Oral Cancer will first contact a local CCC, in this case Moffitt, and if the CCC is aware of your desire to speak on the topic they will refer the reporter to you so I have found it very helpful to make sure that Moffitt's PR dept had all my info.

Good luck, you can make a difference!
Posted By: Susan Lauria Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-28-2011 08:51 PM
Hi Dave, great news!!! Keep up the good work!!

Would love to help if you do decide to do a screening or any other event over there!!!

One of our other members also inquired about doing a walk in Australia!!! Woudn't that be great to have several!!!

Contact me if you need help and are pursuing!!!

All my best,
Posted By: Gabe Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-28-2011 11:45 PM
Good for you Dave,
You will need to keep us posted when something gets published or goes to air. We get most of the same programs in Sydney. I have 1 OC maroon braclet and sticker left. If I did not send you one before and you would like one just send you address in a PM.
As davidcpa says "Good luck, you can make a difference!"
Posted By: Karen Rose Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-29-2011 12:35 AM

Hi Dave

Sorry I didn�t read your thread earlier. You are doing great work trying to get the word out about oral cancer.

I�m in regular contact with the Cancer Council and Peter McCallum Cancer Centre in Victoria helping to improve services and assist with projects for Head and Neck cancer patients. Not only awareness, but also assistance and aftercare for oral Cancer survivors in Victoria is incredibly low . Several other cancer survivors I know have been writing to various groups including the Minister for Health + Local and Federal Members of Parliament for assistance.

There was a young man on �X Factor� a couple of years back - his name is Karl Dimachki. I�m not 100% sure, but I think he was from QLD also. He had tongue cancer and was trying to get the word out. I had a quick look, he is on Face Book. It might be worth teaming up with Karl as he might have some contacts he could share with you.

If there is anything I can do from here, please send me a PM.

Good luck!
Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-29-2011 12:10 PM
Hey guys

Thankyou for all the replies, support and advice you're giving me. It's hugely appreciated.

Hey David, thanks. I'm seeing my surgeon tomorrow morning for a checkup. Maybe he'll be able to help point me in the right direction.

Hey Susan, thanks ! I'm all for trying to organise something like a screening or fundraising walk. It may take some time and planning but it's definitely worth pursuing. Thanks for the offer!

Thanks Gabe smile I've recently recieved a heap of armbands and brochures when i ordered a couple of shirts online. So i should be right at this stage, but thankyou !

Hey Karen. It sounds like you're doing great work. I can already tell it's tough work getting the word out, but it's definetly worth the effort. I'll have a look into writing into government, minister of health, etc. Thanks for the advice!

I was actually watching the X factor show. That was post surgery, pre treatment for me from memory. He was very inspiring. I actually watched his video back a few times during my treatment. I didn't realise he was on facebook. I'll try and add him on there. Thankyou !

Again, thanks everyone for the advice. Sorry I couldn't get on here any earlier tonight.

I've been in contact with the ABC page, and i'm going to write up a report they'll post on their website. When i have more details i'll post on here.



Posted By: ESikon Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-29-2011 02:23 PM
Good luck Dave! The reward of spreading awareness is so huge, so glad you decided to help!
Posted By: Susan Lauria Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 06-30-2011 10:28 PM
Hey Dave, I am in the process of helping Jeanna Edwards organize her walk iin Australia!!! Maybe you can help, not sure if you are near her or not, she is near Carlton, Vic or Mordialloc, hope I got that right!!! Are you near there? We are in the early process of getting a date and location.

Let me know!!

Thanks so much!
Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-01-2011 07:52 AM
Thanks ESikon smile

Hey Susan. That sounds great, but i'm up in Queensland. It's a fair journey unfortunately. About a 1.5-2 hr flight. Please keep me updated if you can on how you go though. I'm unsure how these walk's work. It's something i'll look into. Hopefully her's will be a success !

Good luck smile

While I'm here, here's a quick update on my attempt to raise awareness. I haven't heard from anyone else yet. I'll be writing up a report/article to put up on an ABC website soon. I'll post the link on here once it's published.

Next time I get some time off work, i'll send some more letters to tv stations in the mail. Maybe i'll have a better chance of someone picking it up. Maybe the photos will get there attention.

Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-13-2011 02:16 AM
Hey guys. Just a brief update.

I've been in contact with the 'ABC Health & Wellbeing' website and my article has been edited once or twice by myself and one of their editors. The article should be up on their site next week. We're just doing any last minute changes and she's organizing a 'factbox' to help teach people about the disease.

( - This is the link to the website. My story will be posted on their next week.
Posted By: Gabe Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-13-2011 02:33 AM
Just went to the cancer section and while 8 cancers are listed OC is not one of them.
Congratulations on getting your story posted Dave and I hope they will include it in that section.
Great job and will look for it next week cool
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-13-2011 02:40 AM
I cant wait to read it!!!

Thank you for spreading the word about oral cancer.
Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-13-2011 08:33 AM
Cheers Gabe. Hopefully they will add it to the section once the story is up. I'll post on here any updates once it's ready for the site !

Thanks Christine ! It's the very least I can do. Hopefully it's a decent read and the message gets across !

Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-20-2011 05:33 AM
Hey guys, good news!

The article is now up on the website.. I wrote the article and the abc editors edited it a little bit. But it's mostly my words, except for the occasional part where they've edited it to sound a little more dramatic I think. Which I suppose is fair enough.

Anyway, see what you guys think

Here's the link the website main page where you can see my article.

And if you prefer the direct link, here it is:

Enjoy, and let me know what you think! Feel free to share the article with others if you wish to also!

edit: for those who have me as a friend on facebook, i've posted the link to my page. Feel free to 'share' the article.

Posted By: ChristineB Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-20-2011 08:07 AM
Excellent article Dave!!!! Thank you for making people aware of this deadly disease.
Posted By: AnitaFrances Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-20-2011 01:48 PM
Great article, Dave! I am so sorry that you have had to undergo this disease. But, your perspective and your age will have a significant impact on many who might otherwise have never known about OC. You said you wanted to be a teacher...well, there you are, teaching millions and raising awareness. My best to you!

Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-22-2011 03:47 AM
Thankyou very much Christine! It's the least I can do.

And thanks Anita as well! I hope it's done some good laugh

Cheers guys smile
Posted By: Marlene41 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-22-2011 04:12 AM
I hope other news outlets get interested in your story, David. Good luck, & may you continue to have good health.

Posted By: Maria Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-22-2011 04:20 PM
Great job on the story. You are an excellent communicator. Do you think that teaching is still a possibility?
Posted By: Dave1989 Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-23-2011 07:41 AM
Thanks Marlene. I sent the link to a couple of sites today. It's the weekend though, so I doubt I'll hear back until next week, if at all. Fingers crossed..

Hey Maria,
Thanks! I re-started my Online (or distance education) University degree this week. A Bachelor of Education- Sport, Health & Physical Education. So far so good, and i'm very confident i'll be able to teach if I continue to have good health. I work outdoors in a physical job, so that side of things i'll be fine in. My speech is quite good once i've woken up properly and stretched the jaw & surrounding muscles smile

Posted By: Maria Re: Raising awareness for OC in Australia - 07-23-2011 08:55 PM
Dave - glad to hear it and study hard!
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