Posted By: ESikon San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 02-28-2011 02:59 AM
I know there are some TEXANS out there! Who's coming to San Antonio's First Annual Oral Cancer Walk on April 2nd?????

Our very own Christine Brader will be our guest speaker!!!

I would love to have as many OCF members there to show their support. Besides Christine and myself, Charm will be there and Angelia may come down as well. Check out the walk website for more information on the event:

I hope to see you there!
Posted By: ESikon Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-10-2011 05:34 PM
You guys really need to visit TEXAS!!!!
Posted By: ChristineB Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-11-2011 12:13 AM
Elizabeth.... WOW!!! your website for the walk is unbelievable!!! You did an excellent job!!!! I love how you added links and it took them back to the truth commercial and my videos. You my friend are a genius!!!!!

I cant wait to come to San Antonio and meet you, Charm and any other OCF members who can attend. I will do my very best to give a good speech.
Posted By: ESikon Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-11-2011 02:19 PM
You'll be great Christine! Did you see the article in the paper, it came out this morning.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-11-2011 04:05 PM
Love the article!!! You did great!!! They even mentioned OCF. Great job Elizabeth.
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-11-2011 05:52 PM
What a beautiful article!! Elizabeth, you are an awesome gal! Your family must be so very proud of you!
Posted By: ChristineB Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-15-2011 08:44 PM
Any OCF members who are planning on attending the San Antonio walk, here is some important info per Elizabeth.....

TODAY is the LAST day to sign up for the walk at $20.00 and to guarantee your t-shirt. Please help me estimate correctly by registering by today. If you can't make it, please consider donating to the cause instead, it's tax-deductible!
Posted By: Ray in Texas Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-25-2011 03:19 PM
My wife and I will be there and hope to meet some forum people. I will be at a Radney Foster concert the night before and live in nearby New Braunfels, so it will feel earlier than it really is to me. Elizabeth i sent you an email asking if those attending that participate in this forum will have name tags or something. It would be nice to put a face with the comments etc.
Posted By: ESikon Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-25-2011 04:37 PM
I can make some nametags! Can't wait to meet you all!
Posted By: ChristineB Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-25-2011 05:55 PM
It would be a good idea for any OCF members who will attend the San Antonio walk to comment on this thread so Elizabeth knows who to look for.

Of course Elizabeth and her family will be there since she is the one hosting the walk. Ray and his wife. I will be there. I know Charm and his wife are attending. I think Suess57 is going. Thats all the OCF people I know of so far.
Posted By: Susan Lauria Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-25-2011 11:05 PM
That is so wonderful that some OCF members are attending the San Antonio walk!! You can always exchange cell numbers as well if you can't find each other.

This is going to be just wonderful!

I hope OCF can be represented at all the walks, so please check the website for a walk near you or email me and I will let you know!

Posted By: ESikon Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-26-2011 03:55 AM
Yes, good idea. And yes, Suess57 is registered. I've almost come in contact with a handful of other survivors as well that don';t know of the forum, I've invited them to join but not sure if they have yet. Feel free to call me, the number is on the walk webpage.
Posted By: Susan Lauria Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 03-28-2011 01:13 AM
Ok, great!!

Only a week to go!!

Christine is a featured speaker, so I hope anyone who lives in the area, please come out and support Elizabeth's hard work!

Thank you!!
Posted By: ChristineB Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-03-2011 02:44 AM
To any OCF members wondering about the San Antonio walk. It was EXCELLENT!!!! Elizabeth worked her butt off to make this a huge success. She had awesome raffle prizes, tons of food and drinks. She thought of every tiny detail. She even had special SURVIVOR tshirts for the survivors who came. There were over 250 people attending, which is huge for a first ear walk. Elizabeths speech was very moving, telling the sad tale of a young mother going thru such a hard time. I can proudly say my little tiny friend Elizabeth is one huge hero and inspiration!!!!

Elizabeth....THANK YOU!!!! I appreciate you giving me the chance to be a part of your walk. It really was a pleasure meeting you, your family and friends today. smile

PS....I met Charm and his wife today too, guess what??? He REALLY is a very charming man!!! His wife is a wonderful person, I knew she would be! She was his caregiver, arent they all angels? I also met Ray and his lovely wife as well. They are both very nice people too! Of course they would be, Texans are very gracious people! smile
Posted By: Susan2992 Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-03-2011 04:36 AM
Christine, thanks for the update on the walk! That is a fantastic turnout for the first year, and I�m glad to hear there were a few OCF members there. I�m glad you were able to be a part of it.

And a big THANK YOU to Elizabeth for organizing the walk and helping to bring about more oral cancer awareness. I watched your TV interviews and you did a great job.
Posted By: julieann Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-03-2011 05:19 AM
How wonderful, Christine. I know it would be great, thanks to Elizabeth, and you getting to actually meet some of the other "CHARMing" survivors must feel amazing. You can tell us all about it when you return. 250 PEOPLE - You all did good! I'm determined to make it to one of the walks - wait and see wink

Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-03-2011 09:47 AM
How great to hear about the San Antonio walk and how well it went. I sure wish I could have been there to meet everyone. This just makes me look forward even more to the Chattanooga walk coming up! Thanks so much for the wonderful update, Christine!
Posted By: Susan Lauria Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-04-2011 01:48 AM
So happy for Elizabeth!!! She did work so hard on this and I knew it would be just great!!!

Thank you Christine for taking part, I know you did awesome!!!

So glad you could meet other OCF members as well!! That is such a wonderful part of these walks, meeting OCF members in person!!

I had the awesome pleasure of finally meeting Jeanna Richelson and Nicki Raines in person this past weekend (organizers of the Chattanooga and Nashville Walks). They are wonderful, devoted people to the cause of oral cancer awareness. I am so honored to know them and everyone I have met thru this foundation. As I have said many times, my brothers memory and you all are the reason I do what I do. I have never met more courageous people in my life.

If anyone is interested in attending, please do!! It means so much!!!

Posted By: Charm2017 Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-06-2011 01:12 AM
Elizabeth's speech brought the crowd to tears. It was so moving. Christine kept the crowd's waterworks flowing with her story. All I heard from everyone was what amazing Women they were. Plus Elizabeth raised thousands and thousands of dollars for OCF ( 12? 15? - chemo brain). It was a privilege to be there. New York is going to have a very very tough act to follow.
Posted By: ESikon Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-06-2011 02:32 PM
Thanks charm, it was an honor having you, christine, ray in texas and all the other survivors there with me! I'm working on finishing up my fundraising but have faith that I will be at $20K by the 15th--I hope!
Posted By: ChristineB Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-06-2011 04:00 PM
Thats excellent Elizabeth!!! Your walk would be a record breaker if it goes that high. Your walk really set the bar pretty high! All that hard work really is paying off.
Posted By: Susan Lauria Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-07-2011 03:30 AM
I told Elizabeth I will be cloning her immediately!! smile
Posted By: Ray in Texas Re: San Antonio Oral Cancer Walk - 04-08-2011 07:37 PM
It was great to meet everyone. There were also some local survivors who are not on this forum. I know Charm and I told a couple they need to register and check it out. One 'survivor' was just starting his, correct me if i'm wrong Charm, third week of radiation. Said he felt great. We told him we did too at that point and encouraged him to get on this forum. I remember for me it was about week four that energy and taste went south.

Yes, it was a good walk. Elizabeth did a great job. San Antonians have a reputation of participating in positive gatherings.

I saw my ENT for my quarterly this morning and he said I'm right where we want me to be. That sounded good to me. Also found out that he is Elizabeth's local ENT.
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