Posted By: Daniel B. Cisplatin X7 or X3 ??? - 12-22-2006 03:33 PM
I'm getting ready to start my chemo next week. My MO gave me a choice of 7 weekly or 3 bigger doses during my 7 week IMRT Tx... I'm wondering Why? Looks like most do the Bigger dose X3... any ideas?
Posted By: Darrell G. Rakestraw Re: Cisplatin X7 or X3 ??? - 12-22-2006 05:54 PM
Take the seven doses, the large doses will make you sick...
Been there, done that...
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Cisplatin X7 or X3 ??? - 12-22-2006 08:05 PM

I wasn't offered the weekly but I would definately ask the MO. Without knowing anything else one advantage of the big bag is you only have to go through the chemo 3 times, not seven.

Let us know what the MO tells you re the advantages/disadvantages.
Posted By: Nelie Re: Cisplatin X7 or X3 ??? - 12-23-2006 11:21 AM
I wasn't offered an option either. If the smaller doses are less likely to make you sick, and equally as effective, I could see that being advantageous. Though as David said, it means lots more time in the chemo room!

Posted By: Gail Mac Re: Cisplatin X7 or X3 ??? - 12-26-2006 08:43 PM
My husband's medical onc at Hopkins recommended the 7x (rather than the 3x) -- said it would be less difficult to handle. This proved true... he found it a "non-event" -- at least compared to the radiation and the dreaded amifostine. However, one important difference is that he received carboplatin, not cisplatin; carbo- is a less-toxic, newer drug.

Incidentally, I have asked three top MOs why more patients aren't given carbo (which seems to work just as well, at least in the folks I know who've gotten it), and the only reason that they gave me was that cisplatin has a longer history in clinical use.

Posted By: DM32ASA Re: Cisplatin X7 or X3 ??? - 12-27-2006 04:56 PM
Hi Dan,

Gee, I wish I would have had a choice and more information about carboplantin.

When I went in I just took and did what they recommended. Maybe due to the fact that my situation had metastasized is why I received the Cisplatin.

My question is by taking more doses, will that reduce the side effects? If so go for the 7x ! smile

Take care,
Posted By: Sherrie Lynn Re: Cisplatin X7 or X3 ??? - 01-11-2007 08:35 PM
5 years ago my husband was not offered the choice either, he was in the hospital for two days on the days he received Cisplatin. They said it was only to help with radiation, makes the tissue more receptive to it.
He had already had a neck dissection and ...geeesh forget the word, they broke into his jaw to take the tonsil tumor in one piece and put a metal plate back in place along his jaw.
He was so sick during Chemo.....Hope x7 helps with patients being so sick.
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