Posted By: Tonya Tomorrow is a month - 08-25-2005 02:24 PM
Tomorrow marks one month since my brother's death. Sometimes it seems like years ago and sometimes it seems like a few days. Just as I thought I was doing better, the overwhelming sadness took hold once again. Sometimes I think it will never stop. I know, I know....He's no longer in pain; Everything happens for a reason; Time heals all wounds; but somedays all the rationalization in the world doesn't ease the pain. Well, I won't ramble on, we each have our own cross to bear. I will just continue dragging mine along. I just wanted to remember David's "anniversary" and let him know I still love him.
Posted By: helen.c Re: Tomorrow is a month - 08-25-2005 04:02 PM
Time doesn't heal it just takes the rough edges off, but we learn to live and control our grief and later to enjoy the fact that we had those special people to share our lives and hugs
Posted By: aussieh Re: Tomorrow is a month - 08-25-2005 08:25 PM
Dear Tonya

David will always be with you in your heart. He is comforted and safe there.

Love from Helen
Posted By: Candace Re: Tomorrow is a month - 08-25-2005 09:57 PM
Tonya: I always followed your posts since I too, am a sister of a brother with oral cancer. Helen said it perfectly: He will always be within in your heart. He is comforted and safe there.

Also, I want to say, you were a good advocate for him, helping him and his family get the very best treatment and information they could. Warm wishes & a hug, Candace
Posted By: minniea Re: Tomorrow is a month - 08-25-2005 10:59 PM
Trust me, David knows you still do and always will love him. You spent all his life showing proving it.
Posted By: Tonya Re: Tomorrow is a month - 08-26-2005 02:40 PM
Thank you all. Today is a better day. Last night I was reminded of something my niece told me, "Uncle Boo is with Jesus and he doesn't hurt anymore." It reminded me just how grateful I am he is no longer feeling the intense pain he suffered the last 15 months. I would never wish him one more minute of suffering. He is at peace.
Candace, please keep me updated on your brother and know I send him, you and his entire support system my love and compassion.
Posted By: JAM Re: Tomorrow is a month - 08-26-2005 11:33 PM
Tonya, I hope you will continue to support OCF with your knowledge and compassion. It would be a fitting tribute to David. Amy
Posted By: Daniel Bogan Re: Tomorrow is a month - 08-27-2005 10:13 AM
Dear Tonya,

Take as much time to grieve as you need. There is no time table for this process.
Take comfort in knowing how much you loved and helped him. I don't think David would want you
to grieve too long. I'm sure he loved you as much as you loved him. He is in a better place than we are now.

Love Ya, Danny Boy
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