Posted By: JDeereMan Long time since last post - 10-28-2004 11:50 PM
It has been over a year or so since I have been active. I am currently at 2 and a half years post treatment and survival of my throat cancer. I was able to return to work at a local John Deere dealer that I previously worked for before my diagnosis, 6 days a week, but currently unemployed again due to the treatment. But that is perfectly OK, no complaints. I am also back to my old weight again, took 2 years but it can happen. I still have mild problems with saliva or lack of, and temporary loss of voice. I am trying to find information on Lheimitte's disorder. To the best of my knowledge it is rare and occurs in 5% of head and neck cancer patients treated with radiation. Also apparently it occurs due to the coating of the nerves at the base of the brain being destroyed during treatment, but I can not find any info on the problems or symptoms this causes. This site was one of the most helpful and informative sites during my treatment and recovery. Thanks!!
Posted By: Uptown Re: Long time since last post - 10-29-2004 01:10 PM

It is good to see you at your 2 1/2 year mark! I hope the job thing turns around soon. Have you thought of pursuing Social Security Disability? Just a thought.

Here is a link on L'Hermite's Sign or syndrome::

There are many more available. I hear you on the 5% but I think it is much higher. Here is a link that claims it is a side-effect of Cisplatin as well:

I hope these help you understand more about it. Sometimes I think it feels good but have learned to not look down while walking down stairs as it cause a bit of disorientation.

Posted By: Robr Re: Long time since last post - 10-30-2004 10:02 AM

I had that as well. It is gone now but I used to get it driving my car. If I looked down at my feet it would happen.

Went away however. I was told that it was either from RAD or CHEMO so I never thought too much of it.

Ed, thanks for the links.

Take it easy JD, great atttitude.

Posted By: ChuckF Re: Long time since last post - 10-30-2004 04:22 PM
I've had it too. Seems to be fading now, but every once in a while it'll really light me up. I found some info through the websit run by Barry Sebastion, a fellow survivor (7 Years). Try this link to hs website's info on L'Hermiites sign:

Most of what I've read says it's relatively rare, occuring in 3 to 5 % of those who've received high doses of radiation to the cervical spinal chord, and all say it fades in 6 to 9 months. It's particularly disquieting for me, if you can imagine being an elecronics technician with your hands on a couple of test leads in an energized electrical panel. As you look down to see what the meter reads, you get a shock! It took me 3 attempts to figure out it was the L'Hermitte's and not the test equipment. Fun with side effects! smile )
Hope it's not bugging you too badly. Chances are good it will go away relatively quickly.

Good Health

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