Posted By: lowanneb Recent Newbies - 05-25-2005 11:53 AM
Is it my computer or lack of computer knowledge but all I see in the Introduce Yourself is pretty much from 2003. I know there were more recent posters than this.

Posted By: Eileen Re: Recent Newbies - 05-25-2005 01:10 PM
It's not your computer. This suddenely came up empty the when I logged on yesterday. I Thought it odd, but maybe Brian was doing some file cleanup. Figure it will come back as soon as he or Chester have time ot notice.

Posted By: Brian Hill Re: Recent Newbies - 05-26-2005 12:58 AM
We had a software burp, and Chester has restored the data from the board (which is backed up with the entire site EVERY night....) This is an awsome thing since if you include all the PDF's, and news stories etc., the site has over 2000 pages. The board is kept in a separate cgi bin (computer speak for an enclosed accessible box) from the rest of the site, and the number of hits on the site and traffic does not include the message board traffic. This also means that when there is a problem with one thing it does not necessarily affect the other. Nevertheless, rest assured that we are diligent about these kinds of things regardless of costs, and while sometimes expensive and time consuming to fix, the site's contents are well protected. Sorry about the temporary glitch. If you ask me ( non computer wizard) I am amazed that it all works as well as it does. When things go wrong, sometimes you never know why, it is just computer voodoo..........
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