Posted By: LauraT. Biopsy post rad tx - 04-28-2008 12:15 PM
Hi, Im not sure if Im posting this in the correct forum or not. But, I have a question to all of you before I have a biopsy this afternoon. Im a little over a year post radiation tx and having a biopsy for a lesion on the roof of my mouth. My doctor said it is too small for a fine needle biopsy so will cut and cauterize (if necessary). Is this normal? He isn't my original doctor and did not see me until 6 months post radiation tx. I just worry about cutting into radiated tissue...already had a problem with a *hole* that exposed bone in my jaw for a period of time. I had both cutting/cauterzing done with my tumor...and when biopsy was lost I had a needle biopsy. I was told then needle biopsy was just as effecient as cutting a sample. I feel fairly confident this is not a recurrence or new cancer. Im not 100% sure why, maybe it's denial. I feel pretty strongly about not cutting in my mouth...only if cancer is present, if needle biopsy can be performed.

It's not easy to get another opinion being that Im treated at a military facility. How small can a lesion be to recieve a needle biopsy? This is maybe the size of the tip of a pencil eraser. If you have had a biopsy post rad tx, how was it handled and if you had cauterization, did it work okay?

Feedback is welcomed and appreciated!!!
Posted By: minniea Re: Biopsy post rad tx - 04-28-2008 01:48 PM
Hi Laura, I had a scalpel biopsy of my tongue about 6-7 months post radiation and it healed just fine. Had another one about 6 months ago and again, it healed just fine. I've also had issues healing at times but neither biopsy gave me any issues.

Posted By: LauraT. Re: Biopsy post rad tx - 04-28-2008 02:59 PM
Thank you Minnie. It makes me feel a bit more at ease with having a scapel biopsy. Im having a lot of anxiety right now...Im a worry wart, big baby. Scared of biopsy,my trismus interferring, not healing, PAIN,infection,and yes even though my instinct tells me it's not..that c word is there too.

It's just that I wish I could put cancer out of my life forever. Im sure all of us feel that way. Time for me to toughen up and get to my appointment.

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