Posted By: emilia12 Restless Leg/Arm Syndrome - 08-05-2007 04:48 PM
I apologize if this question has already been asked...I searched through here and couldn't find anything, but I definitely could have missed it. I had my last Erbitux infusion on 7/9 and my last radiation treatment on 7/10. Since that time, I have continued taking oxycodone for the pain. Earlier, at the beginning of my treatment, I noticed that the muscles in my legs and arms started to ache. The best way I can think to describe it is restless leg (and arm!) syndrome. I feel like I have to move/stretch. I took my oxycodone for pain and it seemed to help with the muscle issue as well. At this point, I would like to stop taking oxycodone at night, but I need it in order to sleep due to my muscles. I am unsure if this is caused by the oxycodone (like my body is craving it???) or maybe the Erbitux??? Anyone else experience anything like this? If so, how did you handle?

If it has been posted here already, could someone point me to the thread?

Posted By: JAM Re: Restless Leg/Arm Syndrome - 08-05-2007 06:00 PM
Dear Adrienne, Benedryl and Ativan both caused John to have restless leg syndrome. Are you on any meds. beside the Oxycodone? Amy in the Ozarks
Posted By: Lostpassword Re: Restless Leg/Arm Syndrome - 08-05-2007 09:49 PM
Dear Adrienne -
I've never been treated for cancer, BUT I do have restless leg syndrome. I have read a lot on it and is linked to a low iron count. Mine seems to improve when I take iron pills for a few days. Now I think I have read in here that the treatment for cancer can knock your iron count down, so perhaps there is that connection. Don't do anything until you consult with your doctor, of course. My problem always happens when I sit on a plane for any length of time - my squirming must drive my seat mates crazy! eek
By the way, we lived in Eagan for 18 years!
Warmly, JaneP
Posted By: Lepreckaun Re: Restless Leg/Arm Syndrome - 09-03-2007 01:09 AM
I quit drinking 12 years ago and have had RLS ever since. The Dr says I had it when I was a drunk too. They don't really know what caauses RLS but it is hereditary. There are meds for it but with the "C" word I don't know if we can take them. My used to be DR gave me vicodine I would take one a night and I could sleep then, I know the feeling you have it seems as though your legs want to run and dance when the rest of you wants to sleep. I also have insomia real bad and now since I have been diagnosed with the "C" word I find it even harder to sleep. I have found sometimes thaT if I oput extra pillows on my legs they will behave for a while. Ask your DR if you can have the I think its is called RELEX for RLS. good luck. Brneda
Posted By: marliz Re: Restless Leg/Arm Syndrome - 09-07-2007 11:23 PM
I also had RLS when I was taking oxycodone. So bad that I had to be up pacing 1/2 the night.
There were times it would help me sleep but the longer I took it the worse the RLS got.

Tough problem as I was then unable to sleep and would think if this is what drug addicts go through it's no wonder they stay on it.
I was tempted but stayed the course and sleep pretty well now that I have the drug out of my system.
It takes awhile Adrienne but if the pain is bearable wean yourself off the drug.

Best wishes to all
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