Posted By: Sam14 "Limp" Lip after surgery - 09-24-2010 02:57 AM
I had surgery in July to remove a suspect lymph node. The lymph node was thankfully negative. The lower left side of my lip is "limp" since the surgery. My ENT who performed the surgery said it was a stressed nerve and should get better in a couple of weeks.. well it has been two months.
Does anyone have experience with this, and did your lip return to normal? I will of course deal if it is permanent, I am just happy that my cancer did not return.
Posted By: Mike T Re: "Limp" Lip after surgery - 09-24-2010 07:19 AM
I had a node extracted a couple years ago and I experienced periods of numbness in my lips and face for a year or so. It seemed to be more prevalent when I was tired. The numbness is gone now (as is the lumpy feeling when palpating the area that the node occupied).
Posted By: Elianne Re: "Limp" Lip after surgery - 09-24-2010 08:18 AM
Hi Sam,
It seems nerves can do funny things. Gordon was told his ear lobe would be numb for the rest of his life after his radical neck dissection. Well, it was for awhile, and then the tingling started (actually the left jaw as well as the ear lobe). The surgeon has now revised his position and says Gordon will be in this "half-awake" state for about a year (or maybe two?) and then it will probably go away. All I can glean from this is that it's anybody's guess as to what the outcome will be, so don't give up on your lip returning to normal.
Posted By: Charm2017 Re: "Limp" Lip after surgery - 09-24-2010 03:48 PM

My experience is very similar to Gordon's. My entire left side of my face including ear, cheek, lip and neck was wooden and numb. About a year after surgery, little by little areas on my cheek developed "needles & pins" prickling sensations. My ENT said it was the nerves recovering from surgical trauma.
My lip feeling has come back, but not the rest yet.
so there is hope for your lip to recover fully
Posted By: Sam14 Re: "Limp" Lip after surgery - 09-25-2010 04:06 PM
Thank you so much for your responses. I will just hope it goes back to normal. I have learned how to drink without spilling all over myself wink
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