Hello, I appreciate the way you're trying to help your Mother in Law. I too suffered from radiation burns on my tongue and mouth. My tongue cancer surgery was in 2018 and I'm over 2 years post radiation. During my recovery, I lost 36 lbs and was threatened with a feeding tube if I lost more. The open sores on my tongue eventually went away but my tongue is still very sensitive, and I have a very restricted diet because so many foods burn my tongue and mouth. I have been told this may not get better. I sincerely hope for a better outcome for your mother in law.

I recently changed to a new dentist and she recommended a mouthwash called Stellalife. I purchased it on Amazon. They have a coconut flavor which was good for me as I cannot tolerate mint at all. I have just recently started using it so cannot report any results other than it's good to have a mouth product that is not mint flavored. I eventually found a toothpaste that is unflavored and that still has fluoride. It's called Bob's children's toothpaste (also on Amazon).

All I can suggest at this time is that she take her radiation oncologist's advice. I was told to use a baking soda and salt rinse. I was given a liquid lidocaine as well as Swish and Swallow to help numb my mouth and throat. I also wore a Fentanyl patch during the worst time. Best wishes for her. The sores will eventually go away and the memory will dim. Just writing this reminds me of how far I've come.