
My thyroid issues occurred around year 5 as well I went to the doctor complaining of being tired easily and taking naps which was out of character he order the Thyroid test and bingo that was the issue it took a couple to months to get the medicine to the right level but he got me back to myself with one pill a day. I have had to increase the dosage twice since then. If they do put you on thyroid medicine it is highly recommended you take it first thing in the morning and not eat for apx 30 minutes. (Game Changer) I also have terrible spasms from the base of my skull down my neck and across my shoulder scared me to death first time it happened. I seem to notic3 them the most when the weather is changing a friend brought me some cream for a medically legal state thc it instantly relieves the spasm I have no idea why but it does I just dont always have it with me when it strikes.Radiation causes some discomfort and medical issues but without it we probably wouldnt be around to talk about it. Back to the carotid. my vascular surgeon would not operate until blockage was at 70% so it was a waiting game for a couple of years. I highly recommend you find a surgeon with experience with radiated tissue it took me several calls to find that. I received a stent is was one of the easiest procedures ive ever had I was awake the whole time and watch the procedure on the screen the Doctor was using.