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I am 1/3 of the way into my treatment. It is 347 seconds of Tomo radiation to my larynx. The cancer is contained in the larynx.After meeting with several radiation centers, many explaining how they would probably zap my lower salivary glands, and many of the side effect I elected to go with fairly new Tomo radiation.After reading many of the side effects into week 3 and 4 I am preparing my self.Reading Maine Wills experience it helps prepare me.Currently I have a little discomfort swallowing but thats it. The Tomo is supposed to help minimize the side effects. One of the doctors said I am the first person that used the Tomo for this type of treatment T2N0M0. I will keep everyone posted.Steve Hurlock

SCC of larynx,2/1/2011 surgery 16 times to remove papilloma on vocal cords,started TOMO rad treatment 4/11.2011 T2N0M0 possible invasion onto cartilage tissue Cancer back 6/2012. Polyp removed Came back spindle cell carcenoma 6/22/12
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I'm sending my best vibes your way, Steve. I've of course read about the TOMO therapy but have never spoken with anyone who's had it. I'll be very curious to hear your experience. Glad you're not having any swallowing problems yet and hope they'll be ameliorated by the rads delivery method.

Keep us posted, and hang in there!

David 2
SCC of occult origin 1/09 (age 55)| Stage III TXN1M0 | HPV 16+, non-smoker, moderate drinker | Modified radical neck dissection 3/09 | 31 days IMRT finished 6/09 | Hit 15 years all clear in 6/24 | Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome kicked in a few years after treatment and has been progressing since | Prostate cancer diagnosis 10/18
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Thanks for posting! Its always interesting seeing the different treatments patients go thru. Wishing you an easy time of it.
Best wishes!

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
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very happy to be alive smile
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I had Tomo, but not for the larynx, so I can't say what difference that might make.

Tomo has been around since 2004 and a lot of the advantages it had are now commonly available with Varian's RapidArc (SmartArc, or Smartbeam) and Siemens VMAT.

Although quite a few independent studies have found Tomo's Helical Arc is still as good as it gets for H&N.

In my case I was sent to the Tomo Center do to concern I would need more areas radiated since I had an unknown primary location with two small nodes that didn't adequately correlate to single primary location.

So far I can't complain - best of luck

TXN2bM0 Stage IVa SCC-Occult Primary
FNA 6/6/08-SCC in node<2cm
PET/CT 6/19/08-SCC in 2nd node<1cm
HiRes CT 6/21/08
Exploratory,Tonsillectomy(benign),Right SND 6/23/08
PEG 7/3/08-11/6/08
35 TomoTherapy 7/16/08-9/04/08 No Chemo
Clear PET/CT 11/15/08, 5/15/09, 5/28/10, 7/8/11

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I know Tomo has been around a little while.Why they don't treat H&N I don't know.I'll ask my doctor next week during my meeting. I know the cost is high and there are not a lot of TOMO machines in Colorado.If I can get through this without damage to salivary glands and No Peg (and of course killing the cancer)I will be happy. The CT scan showed some possible invasion into the cartilage tissue so I want to ask if the TOMO will address this issue Keep you all posted. Thanks for all the support and knowledge I am learning from everyone. Steve Hurlock

SCC of larynx,2/1/2011 surgery 16 times to remove papilloma on vocal cords,started TOMO rad treatment 4/11.2011 T2N0M0 possible invasion onto cartilage tissue Cancer back 6/2012. Polyp removed Came back spindle cell carcenoma 6/22/12
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I'm not familiar with TOMO so I appreciate your posting about your treatment and any side effects.

Best of luck and success with your treatment! I�ll be praying for you!


SCC R-Lateral tongue, T1N0M0
Age 47 at Dx, non-smoker, casual drinker, HPV-
Surgery: June 2005
RT: Feb-Apr 2006
HBOT: 45 in 2008; 30 in 2013; 30 in 2022 -> Total 105!
Recurrence/Surgeries: Jan & Apr 2010
Biopsy 2/2011: Moderate dysplasia
Surgery 4/2011: Mild dysplasia
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How do they immobilize your larynx during Tomo?

Is it just a neck mesh collar?

Last edited by DonB; 04-24-2011 05:45 PM.

TXN2bM0 Stage IVa SCC-Occult Primary
FNA 6/6/08-SCC in node<2cm
PET/CT 6/19/08-SCC in 2nd node<1cm
HiRes CT 6/21/08
Exploratory,Tonsillectomy(benign),Right SND 6/23/08
PEG 7/3/08-11/6/08
35 TomoTherapy 7/16/08-9/04/08 No Chemo
Clear PET/CT 11/15/08, 5/15/09, 5/28/10, 7/8/11

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Did not want to start a new thread...have 4 days left of TOMO radiation.Actually it was going to be 3 days but I opened my big mouth a couple of weeks ago and asked the doctor since there was some concern about cartliage invasion if 28 treatments was enough. He said because I was doing so well he wanted to add one more treatment. I feel the TOMO has attacked the larynx only with radiation sparring my salivary glands,most of my mouth. I can swallow but it hurts to get food down. The softer the food the better.Lots of coughing attacks with mucous.My voice is basically non-existant and I use an amplifier to help people hear me. I meet a lot of other patients that have radiation with chemo and feel blessed that I just have the radiation.Seeing the end in sight has certainly boosted my spirits and I am ready to start the healing process. My perspective on life has certainly been changed. Thanks for all support and prayers Steve Hurlock

SCC of larynx,2/1/2011 surgery 16 times to remove papilloma on vocal cords,started TOMO rad treatment 4/11.2011 T2N0M0 possible invasion onto cartilage tissue Cancer back 6/2012. Polyp removed Came back spindle cell carcenoma 6/22/12
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Steve, congrats. The fact that the TOMO spared your salivary glands is simply amazing to me... wow! Ditto that here you are nearly the end of 30+ treatments and you're actually eating food. By week 3 or so of my RT I was on liquid nutrition and stayed on it for another 6 months.

Hang in there, buddy, you're nearly done!

David 2
SCC of occult origin 1/09 (age 55)| Stage III TXN1M0 | HPV 16+, non-smoker, moderate drinker | Modified radical neck dissection 3/09 | 31 days IMRT finished 6/09 | Hit 15 years all clear in 6/24 | Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome kicked in a few years after treatment and has been progressing since | Prostate cancer diagnosis 10/18
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Steve, So congrats on finishing your treatment. I don't really know what happened with me or why I seemed to have it so easy but I'm very grateful. The two weeks that have been passing since treatment have definatley been the hardest on me what with the cumulative effect or the radiation and all and now I have looking forward to detoxing from all the dope to deal with. That however I am no stranger to and I know I'll get through it. All of this has definaltey had a profound impact on me and how I will conduct my live in the future. The OCF has helped me to an extent that I can't even really describe but my best advise to you is to stay close to the folks here. Best of luck and keep us posted. Thanx. Will

Lump in left side neck discovered Sept 2009
Misdiagnosed & FNA inconclusive
Large lymph node removed Nov. 2010 SCC and HPV16 pos
PET pointed tonsilectomy Feb. 2011
1ml tumor left side tonsil
Rads scheduled March 14th 2011. 2X36 GY's (72)
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Will, I have not taken any pain meds.I probably should have but as long as I could muster getting food down I felt I could get through it Besides I still have to try to work through all this. I am really concerned about my voice quality.People flat out can not hear me and the phone is even worse. Hopefully my vocal cords will heal and I will have some voice strength. Regards steve Hurlock

SCC of larynx,2/1/2011 surgery 16 times to remove papilloma on vocal cords,started TOMO rad treatment 4/11.2011 T2N0M0 possible invasion onto cartilage tissue Cancer back 6/2012. Polyp removed Came back spindle cell carcenoma 6/22/12
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FYI..every time my voice got "shabby" the thing that helped me the most was not using it. It sucks that you have to work through this but if you don't rest that voice, it might get bad. Please talk to your Dr's. See what can be done about work. Use the weekends (or any other time you can ) to not use your voice at all. Let me know. Will.

Lump in left side neck discovered Sept 2009
Misdiagnosed & FNA inconclusive
Large lymph node removed Nov. 2010 SCC and HPV16 pos
PET pointed tonsilectomy Feb. 2011
1ml tumor left side tonsil
Rads scheduled March 14th 2011. 2X36 GY's (72)
CarboTaxol once a week X 4 or 5 starting 4/5/11
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Steve, I'm sorry to read about your continued vocal problems. I know this seems obvious... but are you able to whisper at a loud enough volume to be understood? I was on a whisper-only diet, so to speak, for about 2-3 months. I found if I "spoke" slowly and enunciated every word as clearly as I could that people could understand me, even on the phone.

Hang in there!

David 2
SCC of occult origin 1/09 (age 55)| Stage III TXN1M0 | HPV 16+, non-smoker, moderate drinker | Modified radical neck dissection 3/09 | 31 days IMRT finished 6/09 | Hit 15 years all clear in 6/24 | Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome kicked in a few years after treatment and has been progressing since | Prostate cancer diagnosis 10/18
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Hurlock, I had regular Rad 7wks. and I lost my voice for about 4 weeks. It will come back. Hang in there and do stay on the soft food for a while.
Good luck to you.

I started in 1997 with a swollen glad in my neck. It was stage 2 tonsil cancer. Had radiation and a week hosp. stay. 2 mo. tube in throat. Lost 40 lbs. c. free until 2005. Tongue had surgery. Did good. 2007, another tongue, surgery. Am cancer free now. Went to OHSU. they are wonderful.
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