I was diagnosed with stage 2 or 3 tongue cancer in August and treatment started October 11, 2018. I've had 7 weeks of treatments (weekdays for radiation & once a week for Cisplatin chemotherapy). I'm in my 7th week of recovery. I have a feed tube in my stomach that I'm attempting to ween off of. I'm down from 4 to 2 containers of Nutren 2.0 daily (500 calories each). I'm getting my other 1000 calories through Carnation Instant Breakfast, Boost and Egg Nog with ginger ale. I've tried some real foods with minimal success so far (fried eggs do ok; struggle through some Campbell Chunky soups).

In general it's going pretty well except for the excessive mucus I'm experiencing. It's pretty much continuous day and night. Sleep is a nightmare. The mucus mixes with whatever I'm attempting to eat or drink and makes it extra difficult to swallow. My throat hurts and feels like it's constricted making it harder to swallow. I have fits of coughing whenever I eat or drink. I also have them at nighttime in bed. I've attempted to sit up sleeping and just about every possible angle. Nothing stops the mucus. MY QUESTION: Have others experienced this kind of mucus this far into the recovery cycle?

My radiation doctor says that I don't have thrush although I was initially diagnosed and treated for Candida fungus in my esophagus. That's actually how they found my tongue cancer: They did a gastroscopy/EGD on my esophagus because of excessive mucus and violent coughing back in August. They found the Candida fungus in the esophagus. However, when pulling out the scope, he noticed the mass on my tongue and took pictures of it which was identified as tongue cancer (after a biopsy). Thrush and Candida fungus may be the same thing. They have treated me 3 times with Fluconazole. It seems to help for the first few days and then the mucus returns. My doctor doesn't think that's the problem anymore. The mucus randomly changes from dark brown to yellow to white. It's driving me nuts