Radiation Protection by IP-6 & Inositol

The 2007 Centennial Meeting of The American Association for Cancer Research on Translational Medicine was held in Singapore 4-8 November 2007. A paper presented by Shamsuddin and colleagues showed that IP-6 and inositol protect human cells against radiation damage in the laboratory (in vitro) in various ways. For example while irradiation caused increased cell death (loss of cell attachment, apoptosis and necrosis) IP-6 and inositol treatment prevented cell death, in vitro. In vivo (in laboratory mice) either oral or topically administered IP-6 + Inositol significantly reduced the incidence and multiplicity of UV-induced skin tumors in mice. These data therefore suggest that IP-6 + inositol could help protect us from various forms of radiation damage such as UV from sun-exposure, radiation therapy, cosmic radiation, accidental or induced nuclear blasts etc.

Rita - Age 44
wife, mother of 4 - ages 3,16,21,24 & grandma to 1
(R upper) Maxillectomy 8/8/08 - UW / Seattle, WA.


"Those who think by the inch and speak by the yard, should be kicked by the foot."