I have just discovered this website. I wish I would have had access to it five years ago when I started my battle with mandibular cancer. I had my surgery and treatment in Pittsburgh PA. A total reconstruction of the mandible using a portion of my leg bone, chemo and radiation treatments, and five years later I am living an almost normal life. There are changes you live with forever, most notably the dry mouth because of the loss of saliva. But I can still eat anything as I lost teeth on only one side of the lower jaw, and I even play soccer with the 14 yr old kids I coach.

I had a very favorable tumor location, in the socket of a wisdom tooth. CandaceIV is right about the radiation being the toughest part. The first three weeks seemed ok, but at the end of the sixth week I could barely swallow. Chemo was not as bad, with a bit of nausea once a week.

You must be willing to fight the fight, as it is not easy. Nutrition following surgery was a huge challenge. My wife being a registered dietician provided me with what I needed. Enriched milk shakes made with boost and cocoa wheat cereal saved my life.

My prayers go out to all of you, as you can win the battles.