
The modified neck dissection was protocol for my T1 tongue tumor. My choices were radiation only or surgery and neck dissection with radiation if they found anything in the nodes. My doctor thought ahead of time there wouldn't be anything in the nodes but removed them to avoid the possibility of involvement in the nodes if we didn't remove them.

My stitches were removed all at once, the ones that weren't removed one week after surgery dissolved on their own and it was SO much easier to eat and talk after the bolus was removed. The tongue is such a strong muscle it really takes a long time for the swelling to go down and to eat and speak normally. I still lisp when I am tired or have had a long day of talking! I still eat slower than my family and they frequently have to tell me to shut up and eat or they will leave me at the table.

The mouth rinse I had was prescription and was for disinfection of my mouth after eating. I can't remember what it was called but I had to use it after eating and before bed. Once the bolus was removed I could use a tooth brush but still rinsed after every meal until the prescription ran out. My tongue pain and swelling was relieved by liquid roxicet? and then Tylenol 3 after about 10 days post op. My tongue was swollen and sore for a long time. I know for least six weeks because I was off work that long, and part time for another 4 weeks. Two weeks half time, 2 weeks 3/4 time and then back to full. I was fortunate to have that much sick leave built up. I probably took one or two tylenol 3s after work for 2 months because as a secretary in a very busy department I was on the phone all day long and my tongue got quite the workout.

Hope this is helpful.


SCC Tongue T1N0M0\Dx 3-10-03
Hemiglossectomy, alloderm graft, modified neck dissectomy 4-14-03
3 Year Survivor!