Posted By: WendyinPgh Traveling after treatment ends - 09-12-2008 01:37 PM
My husband really wants something to look forward to, and I can't blame him. Would it be foolish to plan a weekend trip to Florida about 5-6 weeks after his treatment is over? I know everyone responds differently to treatment, but I just wonder if such an idea is completely out of the question. Thanks for any advice!
Posted By: sobradley Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-12-2008 02:00 PM
I went on a vacation at about a month out and it was the best thing ever (getting away from hospitals and doctors and cancer was much needed at that time), but I recovered from my treatments really fast. Also, you may want to take into consideration that he is going to have to stay out of the sun for the most part because of his radiation. But walking on the beach in the mornings and evenings in Florida is always nice! I would just say that if you do plan a vacation to be flexible just in case things aren't progressing very fast in the healing department or be ready to have a relaxing weekend just hanging out and not doing too much.
Posted By: WendyinPgh Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-12-2008 03:23 PM
Oops, I forgot about the whole sun problem. Maybe a nice bed and breakfast in Vermont would be a better choice! Thanks for the tip!
Posted By: Markus Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-12-2008 05:16 PM
it is a good idea if he feels up to it. Re sun you do not want to get sunburnt especially not on your neck! However you can cover up (Hat, shirt etc). We were in FL too after about that time (also in Sept). Just make sure that there are other things to do than just roasting on the beach..


Posted By: sobradley Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-12-2008 06:12 PM
yeah, it kills me to not go out in the sun. I used to be a lifeguard and LOVED sitting out in the sun all afternoon. I haven't been swimming at all this summer (I was diagnosed at the end of April and finished treatment at the end of July). but I do plan on going as soon as my peg tube hole heals up (comes out Monday!). I would think as long as you aren't on the beach in the hot parts of the day and he covers up and wears super sunscreen you should be fine. My husband and I went to the aquarium one day on our vacation so you may be able to find something like that to do. Or maybe you could find a bed and breakfast that does massages and stuff! That could be relaxing!
Posted By: Malka Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-12-2008 09:16 PM
If you go, there are several companies that make clothing with built in sun screen.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-12-2008 09:19 PM
I wouldn't have enjoyed a vacation 5 to 6 weeks post Tx as I was still weak as a kitten and my taste, appetite and dry mouth were horrible. I also looked like I had been on a starvation diet as I lost 30% of my body weight and I had none to loose going into Tx.

Point is we all can react differently to the same Tx so I just wouldn't plan on anything. If he's finished and he feels up to it, fine but if he doesn't then it won't likely make him feel better.
Posted By: Kelley F Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-13-2008 12:17 AM
I think it's a great idea. I went to Naples exactly 2 weeks after my last treatment. I told my med onc about it and he gave me a raised brow look, forewarned me how I might feel, but basically said it was up to me. There were a few rough spots, but for the most part, it was much needed. I ate my first steak on vacation, and although I couldn't taste it, was very proud of the accomplishment. My husband also upgraded to first class on the flight with miles, so that was also nice. My only recommendation is that the place you rent has working air conditioning. My mother in law(where I stayed) never turned hers on, and there is nothing like being nauseated in the florida heat. I had a few bouts and could have used a cool place to lay down. Regardless, I think it is a good thing to plan for. The mind is powerful. If I listened to my MO, I may have stayed at home, in cold Michigan mind you, drinking my boost and wallowing in my sorrow.
Posted By: margaret_in_ma Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-13-2008 02:14 AM

First of all, good for you for looking ahead! That's great. From where I'm sitting, almost 4 weeks out from treatment, I'd say go for it! But with one caveat... make sure you can cancel your flight and exchange the tickets so if your husband is feeling too lousy to go, you won't be out a lot of money. I had planned a trip between surgery and radiation which I had to cancel when my PEG tube got infected - I decided it was best to not get on a plane with an open, oozing wound - so I canceled my flight and got a credit for the ticket. I think I'll pay $50 when I reschedule, but that's not as bad as losing the whole $500 that the ticket cost.
Posted By: Pandora99 Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-13-2008 04:28 AM
We own a very expensive piece of paper - tickets for a holiday that we were supposed to go on in January of this year. We had to cancel due to radiation but had purchased travel insurance.

WRONG. The insurer denied the claim because my condition was not "stable" for 90 days prior to travel. Be very very careful about thinking you can get travel insurance.

Posted By: wilckdds Re: Traveling after treatment ends - 09-13-2008 10:53 AM
Travel insurance can be very complicated, as with any insurance.

I learned a long time ago, that most insurances will exclude pre-existing conditions if you purchase the policy within a short time (usually no more than 2 weeks) after you book a trip.

I have found this site to be very good for comparing different companies selling travel insurance and also for getting the details of the policies offered.


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