Posted By: Donnarose Celebrated my mom's 64th birthday yesterday! - 12-16-2007 08:32 AM
Yesterday was a nice day for all. My sister came with her two kids, my Nana, and the girls and I were all together for the afternoon. We, Eddie and I, took my parents, his dad and the girls out to dinner after. My mom was able to eat a little of the crab cake she ordered, she had some of Jackie's roasted duck--easy for her to eat!, some of my salmon, and an O'Douls beer.

She amazes me. She has been through so much, still facing different challenges with the lymphedema, and yet, puts on a happy face and goes out to have a nice night--I think she did it for all of us!

Hoping and Praying for more days like these. She does so much better when surrounded by everyone.

From the caregiver perspective: WOW!! It felt kind of normal, and gave me so much hope.

Thanks everyone, I know I couldn't have made it this far without all of you.

So glad you had a lovely day Donna!
Hang on to that if things get rough again.
I hope you got lots of lovely photos!
I bet it felt 'normal' for the rest of the family too, mom included.
A nice reward for all your love and care,
Love Brenda x

Happy to read about your wonderful day. Don't know if Rose told you I called yesterday to wish her a Happy Birthday. She sounded a little garbled, but no problem understanding her.

Were they Canal Street Grill crab cakes? If you haven't tried them, they're the best.


So glad that your mother enjoyed her birthday. I hope you get more days like this too. I'm sure it did everyones heart good to see her out and enjoying herself. Not to mention that you needed it too!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

It really did feel good -- for all of us!! You're right, I am going to hang onto my memory of yesterday. Photos were not taken, mom kind of hides these days and gets very uncomfortable. It's ok, I have so many from all the years.
Jerry, she showed me the birthday card that arrived on Friday and told me you called her yesterday. She was very happy and touched about both, you are a very kind man. Thank you.
Hi Donna,

Sounds as magical as a seat on the Gryffindor bench in the Great Hall to me!

Glad you got to get out and have fun!
Speaking of daughter did buy her a large Gryffindor Spread/throw. (You can get one from the store, Hot Topic!)
Hello DonnaRose, I wanted to say hi and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from a friend who knows how far a little crab cake and an O'Douls goes! With love and always thinking of you karen (and always Dad-David B)
My heart is with you this Christmas Karen.

I'll bet that Gryffindor throw will put a smile on your mom's face every time she sees it.
Great gift idea for a Harry Potter fan!

I'm hoping with all my heart that I get to see my Dad beat cancer again, and reach his 64th Birthday on May 25th 2008. My son, his only grandson, will graduate High School that weekend too. That will be a good goal for my dad, to fight his way back out of this and attend his grandsons Graduation on his Birthday weekend.
I hope with all my heart too that your dad will bet the cancer again--he's got a terrific attitude! It sure is a tremendous gift for something so incredible to look forward to.
Tell your dad I am thinking about him all the time, my mom always asks for you both.
Praying for Peace this Christmas Day.
Love to you and your family.
Happy Belated Birthday ROSE !!! And here is to many many MORE !!!

Donna ,

SO happy that the day went well for you !!! You all deserved it !! I LOVE crab cakes ..mmmmmmmmm . Not so sure about duck !!
I bet she thinks of your daughter everytime she snuggles up with that blanket !!!

Hi Shar!
Thank you. It was a great day!
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