Posted By: SUEZ Rotton Ron was here last night - 11-01-2011 04:05 PM
Yep, don't know what the heck happened or set him off, it was a great Halloween Night with the grandson and parents and my other daughter and her finace...but after everybody left and I went to get in my pj's @ 930PM he came upstairs looking for something to eat and asked me what did I have...after he saw he had no more cottage cheese he had a bit of an attitude,and when I came out of the bathroom, he was in freezer getting Stouffer's Mac n Cheese out...I asked him if he wanted the homemade mashed potatoes and homemade Turkey gravy that he requested and I made for him Sunday and he said OK put back the Mac n Cheese and I can't remember what happened next but he started yelling at me that I don't care about him and I just cook for the kids and not him and moved me out of the way of the microwave and got mean and pushed me and I told him he don't want to go there cuz I do weigh more than he does, he had the look of anger in his eyes.. he sat down to eat the potatoes and ate one spoonful and spit it out and I asked him what was wrong and he dropped the spoon in the bowl and went back downstairs and than after awhile he came back up and went to bed. I didn't even talk to him this morning and I'm not gonna call him like I do at lunchtime, he can not treat me that way.
Thanks for letting me vent
Posted By: MikeG Re: Rotton Ron was here last night - 11-02-2011 03:00 AM
That is just awful. I am so sorry.
I suppose there are a lot of physical and emotional issues and demons to be dealt with on the patient side. But you are right to know and let it BE KNOWN what is NOT acceptable on the care-giver side.

It's been 5 years for me, I had forgotten how bad that part could get.
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: Rotton Ron was here last night - 11-02-2011 09:56 AM
Boy! I sure do second what Mike said! No matter what, it is NOT acceptable for anyone to be treated that way in any situation! He definitely owes you an apology. Maybe you could take a few days off - go someplace, stay with friends until he cools off or realizes what a great caregiver you are, Suez. Do you think he has gotten into extra meds or alcohol that could have affected him this way? Does he even remember how he acted? Your job is difficult enough without being treated this way. Take a break, and think about You for a little bit. Maybe you could leave him a note with a phone number where you can be reached for whenever he is ready to "play nice".
Posted By: SUEZ Re: Rotton Ron was here last night - 11-02-2011 03:09 PM
Oh people # 1 is I would NEVER leave MY house. It is MY house not his so that is not ever an option, for him to leave yes. #2 is he did apologize. The cold shoulder not talking to him or calling him back when I didn't call him at lunchtime and he called me at work while I was at lunch and coming home not saying I'm home but stating I was leaving to take the dog for a walk and when I got back and was making the dogs dinner he came up and rubbed my back and aplogized for what he did. He said he gets jealous of my kids. He was upset...very upset to tears, I hate when he cries...He has gone into big depression I think, he won't even go to the store(walmart) anymore, he stays down the basement and watches TV and whatever else he does. I left him a note today to get outside and enjoy the sunshine we are having today and do something besides sitting in the "dungeon" all day long! He even isn't watching the dog water dish outside making sure they have water out there for when they hang outside, it was empty well not all the way, but he said he didn't go outside and I asked him who took out the garbage cans and he said well he didn't look at the water dish. I told him he needs to get on the ball and do something already like he used to do projects in the past. Hopefully he followed my note written in big black marker that I left for him on the table downstairs. smile
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: Rotton Ron was here last night - 11-02-2011 05:32 PM
Glad things are a little better, Suez. I think you have the right idea in trying to get Ron outside for a little fresh air and exercise. Maybe he could walk the dog? Is it your dog or his? If you get tied up at work sometime, you could let Ron know that the dog told you he wants him (Ron) to walk him since you can't get home early enough to do it. Howzzat?
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Rotton Ron was here last night - 11-02-2011 07:05 PM

Hope you continue to have good days with Ron. Sorry to hear he was mean. It doesnt help sitting down in the dungeon. Ron should get out and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. It really would help him to feel better. Love the dog idea, Anne-Marie!
Posted By: SUEZ Re: Rotton Ron was here last night - 11-02-2011 08:24 PM
Oh no Ron isn't strong enough for my dogs anymore. The one is "mine" it's a Siberian Husky 7 yrs old, she is too strong when she pulls, and the other is a Pit/Boxer that my daughter bought but she is mine and loves Ron and she weighs 70lbs of muscle too and she's too strong for him. When he didn't have Oral Cancer and after his Lymphoma bout, he had the Pit with him at his cousins around the block, and I walked by with the Husky and the Pitty wanted to come with us and Ron couldn't control her cuz she was pulling him so hard, he only weighs 140 some lbs @ 6'1. Hopefully he went outside today to clean up the garage of all his stuff so we can put another car in for the winter so the driveway can get plowed whenever the snow flies. He has bales of straw for our Husky's dog house even though she lays out in the snow, or in our bed and for the bunny we got too. And he needs to do poop patrol!! lol He said when I talked to him at lunchtime he was putting his boots on and he liked my note so he was getting out into the sunshine maybe some Vitamin D is gonna help him! We will see when I get home.
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