Posted By: EzJim Rads & Chemo - 01-28-2008 09:19 PM
I had the 1st rads today. Not too bad except for the making me sleepy LOL I had to have 2Xrays while I was on the table too. Tomorrow I go at 12:15 for rads then Chemo at 1.. after tomorrow, I get rads every day at 11:15 , I was told just about everything I have read here, that will happen to my throat, mouth and tongue. Will keep you updated if anything occurs out of the ordinary.
Posted By: LarrysDaughter Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-28-2008 10:01 PM
Glad the treatment wasn't too bad for you, Jim. Hang in there, and keep us posted, okay? smile
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-28-2008 10:33 PM
I sure will. How was your dad today? I've been wondering.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-29-2008 10:41 AM

Just take one day at a time and get you a calendar to mark them off. In no time you will be finished.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-29-2008 11:18 AM
I have a calendar David so maybe my mind might not leave me.. LOL How are you doing lately, beside being a caregiver? I hope it all downhill for now.
Posted By: JeffL Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-29-2008 12:03 PM
Jim -- One day at a time, and remember that everyone is an individual -- no "predestined" reaction to either radiation or chemo. Keep positive, keep active and keep us posted.
Posted By: Markus Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-29-2008 01:55 PM
remember to drink and eat! Also, watch out for trush. Marking the treatments on the calendar helped me tremendously... you could see the progress.
Be prepared/expect to feel miserable and have mouth rinse (baking soda/salt) and pain medicine ready. During my worst days I used viscous lidocaine a lot. This helped me to eat/drink and speak. Also, it allowed me to use less oxycodone/morphine .. i.e. less constipation.


Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-29-2008 07:00 PM
Made it thru day 2 almost flawlessly. LOL I told the nurse I had to go to the Bath room and felt alittle cold on my stomache and lap. LOL The IV had come out and I was soaked with Chemo. LOL had to leave there looking like I wet my pants. Got my tee shirt, undershorts, ouside pullover shirt and my Jeans. Needless to say I have them in the washer. I hope you all had a good day too.LOL.. I was told I should have someone come with me tha next appt.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-29-2008 07:12 PM
Maybe I found a new way for chemo today LOL absorbed thru the skin from the outside. Isn't that called the process of Osmosis like we learned in the 7th or 8th grade. LOL
Posted By: LarrysDaughter Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 12:13 AM
Hi Jim,
Was thinking about you today. Sorry you got all wet!? Why do they want somebody to go with you next time?
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 12:28 AM
They just think it might be the wise thing to do. Told her I can handle it LOL she just laughed, I hope your day was a good one and you dad is doing fine.
Posted By: mhupe Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 01:20 AM
Hi Jim,

Other than getting all wet, I'm glad your week is starting out OK and that you are doing well?

I read many of your posts and I know you are a lively person with a great attitude. I'm a little concern that you're so rough and tough and that you live alone. If you started to feel too tired to drive or were in need of some extra pain meds, do you have someone in reserve to help you? Would you ask for help if you needed it? Sometimes, that's the hard part for you rough and tough kind of guys. wink
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 05:55 AM
Margaret, you are so right about my type of guy. I have always been the independant type and at times I wish I wasn't. I guess I was raised to be self reliaable and earn whatever I had. If it would get drastic, I think I would ask for some help, but after 2 days, I'm fine. Thanks for caring.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 10:19 AM

At least your clothes will get cured of the cancer they may have??
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 10:21 AM
LOL U nut
Posted By: JBNich Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 12:50 PM
your chemo leak sounds like something that would happen to me... in hopes that your rad team is much more attentive, here's to ya pal! Dukes, Dukes, Dukes, along with the hydrocodone is what kept me sane, also I discovered a lidocaine lolly pop, sucker, or whatever you want to call it that worked wonders... when I became unable to swallow I did all of my pills through my PEG... fast actin', and still kept the liquid stuff on hand. Pain management is one of the most critical aspects of this entire scenario; actually, as far as I'm concerned, it's the key to getting through each phase. Another thing I did was what I call the 'T minus 1 countdown,' so on that first Monday, I said 'only 29 more after today,' and on down to zero on the final Friday... no more after today!!! Six weeks for me, usually mid-day as well, and just as David says, it will be over before you know it. One day at a time, Jim, one day at a time, and a calendar is handy when it comes to staying focused. God bless you man.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 04:05 PM
Right on and they gave me a calendar with all appoitments for chemo and rads on it,, even the Drs appt to keep an eye on what is happening with both. You and David are right on the ball.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Rads & Chemo - 01-30-2008 10:07 PM
One thing for sure.. I can feel the rads and chemo in my mouth and throat but I can still eat soft food and swallow good so far.
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