Posted By: walt5615 We got the PET results today - 06-08-2007 01:46 AM
Hi Folks,
Pat finished her Erbitux & IMRT regimen on 5/2/07 had her followup PET scan on Monday. We were expecting that it might be a little too early and there would be some uptake due to inflammation.

Well, we were pleasantly surprised when the Rad-Onc said the PET results were "completely negative" with not even a hint of uptake found anywhere in my sweetheart's body. The Rad-Onc indicated he now felt Pat was in the 90% five-year survival range and outlined the followup PET/CT plan going forward.

We talked to the kids this afternoon and they were ecstatic. On the other hand while I know that Pat and I should be doing backflips or something, we both just took the news in stride and an attitude of thankfulness. I imagine the impact of good news like this may actually settle in, but for now I almost feel like we've become grizzled veterans who have been in the trenches and become a little shell shocked. Anyway, it was obviously great news and we Thank the Lord for His Grace in our lives.

Pat still can't eat anything, but with good news like this the time it takes to get over the remaining side effects should seem to go much faster.

The information and support here at OCF has made an enormous positive difference and Pat and I extend our thanks to all. Our prayers continue with all our friends here. I will continue to visit OCF as we go forward. Thanks again to all. God bless.

Posted By: davidcpa Re: We got the PET results today - 06-08-2007 09:02 AM

Great news and tell Pat how happy we all are with her happy news.
Posted By: lee33 Re: We got the PET results today - 06-08-2007 10:16 AM
Great news Walt! I'm so glad to hear this. You guys hang in there. The side effects will subside slowly but surely. I'm just a few weeks ahead and I can tell a difference from 5 weeks post tx. I am just so glad to hear your good news. Lee
Posted By: walt5615 Re: We got the PET results today - 06-08-2007 10:53 PM
Hi David and Lee,
What should we expect as far as Pat's ability to eat solid food by mouth? I know everyone's different but what was your experience? Thanks.

Posted By: Steve F. Re: We got the PET results today - 06-09-2007 08:10 AM
Hi Walt & Pat;
Congratulations on the success.
As far as eating solid foods, you're correct, everyone is different. Coming out of treatment I didn't even want to open my mouth. I had a tough time with even water during my last week of treatment and the first couple weeks post treatment. I was hydrated almost daily through my port for a couple of weeks. Then all of a sudden it started improving, less pain and more "baby steps" with liquids. I did have a PEG tube which was my 'best friend' for a couple Months, but I started with eggs, jello, snack pack puddings, and oatmeal. It was ironic that I could eat oatmeal with milk, but couldn't handle milk any other way (even with cereal) as it burnt my mouth upon entry. Within a few weeks this improved and I was able to eat cereal which sat and softened in milk (still couldn't drink the milk though) and everything required lots of water to wash it down. From about 6 weeks on I really stretched myself, trying new and different things daily. Up until a few weeks ago most meats were too dry except in small quantity (great for my waist line-LOL) and acidic foods would burn a lot (tomato based products especially) The Dr.'s encouraged the experimentation, which helped keep my jaws and throat working as well. To this day, I still revert back to the "comfort foods of 6 Months ago (lots of eggs and cereal) but I am now eating almost anything I please, with the exception of very spicy stuff (which I used to love). I still must keep plenty of fluids to wash it down towards the end of the meal, but my RO is very pleased with how much saliva production I have regained. I am even eating bread at this point, although some types aren't too easy to deal with. My RO was ecstatic about the bread thing. Chicken has always been a favorite, but the white meat tends to be dry and stringy compared to dark meat, so if attempting chicken that is my recommendation (I still have a tough time with chicken breast).
Experiment away and don't back off. You will soon surprise yourself. Talk on this board as well. Your friends and supporters here will help guide a motivate you.

Best wishes,
Posted By: Cookey Re: We got the PET results today - 06-09-2007 03:53 PM
I am so happy for you both.
good luck in the future
Posted By: JeffL Re: We got the PET results today - 06-10-2007 01:52 PM
That is great news, and an inspiration to those of us in the middle of treatment. Enjoy!!!
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