Posted By: JeffL 1 Week Down - 05-18-2007 04:16 PM
Survived Week 1 of radiation\chemo\daily Amifostine! It has been an adventure, getting used to things smelling awful, and some things tasting awful, while others taste fine. Been battling nausea\constipation as well, but doing better today.

Sour things, fruits and chili are all things that taste reasonably normal right now. It is a battle trying to keep enough fluids going to thin out the mucous, but not an insurmountable problem yet.

I know the worst is yet to come, but I am going to enjoy my 2 days off over the weekend!
Posted By: davidcpa Re: 1 Week Down - 05-18-2007 07:36 PM

At least you have started and 1 week is behind you. I no time you will be walking out of that tunnel.
Posted By: JAM Re: 1 Week Down - 05-18-2007 11:04 PM
Jeff, your attitude has been so good thus far, let's hope you will keep it throughout the rough parts ahead. The nausea can be a real battle, but I think the constipation issue can be handled pretty well if you start now figuring out now what OTC stuff will help you the most- don't let it get out of hand. July isn't that far away. Amy in Oz
Posted By: Joylight Re: 1 Week Down - 05-19-2007 11:52 PM
Enjoy the foods that taste good now, and do NOT stock up on anything. I found that my diet needs and tastes are changing daily; sometimes shifting within a single day.

I discovered that the last taste sensation to leave is the taste of "bitter." What fun! I have learned that I can still taste an echo of the flavor of natural foods, like say, vegetables. I can sure taste the awful artificial additives. For instance, I tried some ham, and while I couldn't taste the HAM, I could taste the artificial smoke flavor they add to it, and it was bitter.

It's been very hard to try to stay ahead of the curve in what I can eat. I'd go to the grocery store and stock up on what I could eat that day, and by the next day it would be off my menu. I'm living on BOOST protein drink right now, 3 weeks into treatment, and will be doing so until I can no longer swallow.

One piece of advice... make your doctor give you a prescription for "Magic Mouthwash" and a pain reliever. Have those IN your cupboard for the day you need them. Magic Mouthwash has made the difference, at least for today, in being able to eat solid food or not. It numbs the roof of my mouth so I don't feel pain when I eat.

My doctor recommended plain old Metamucil for constipation. I haven't tried it yet, but I will soon.

Good luck to you!
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