Posted By: Linda & Todd Help with Dry Mouth & Crankiness - 02-25-2007 11:07 AM
Todd finished his 1st week of rad and 1 chemo. The change to Zofran helped a lot. Although I read that the Zofran is only good for 3-5 days, so we switched him to Reglanin between treatments. When should I start giving him the Zofran? He will have the 2nd chemo treatment on Tuesday. I figured I would start him on Zofran on Monday and then for 5 days.

He finally decided to have a Peg tube due to not being able to eat anything. Everything tastes bad and the sores in the mouth make it hard to eat. Can anyone give some suggestions on what do to for a sore mouth and dry lips? I tried Chap Stick for the dry lips but he does like it. I finally convinced hi to use the Magic Mouth Wash, Lidocaine and Carafate which does work.

The last chemo treatment was very rough for him due to the 1
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Help with Dry Mouth & Crankiness - 02-25-2007 12:31 PM

I did not have a tube but nausea was my worse enemy. Nothing they gave me seemed to help. Everyone can react differently to the same meds because there are so many variables to factor in. I fell behind often with my water and "food" and was treated at the ER 3 times for dehydration before I finally came out of that dark tunnel. I eventually stopped all my meds and decided dealing with the pain was better than dealing with the nausea. The only advise I can offer is to make sure he drinks his water and food DAILY. Don't let him fall behind one day because he won't make it up. Keep pestering his docs for different meds and ask for small amounts to see if they will work. I could open up a small pharmacy with my unused meds.
Posted By: blc6571 Re: Help with Dry Mouth & Crankiness - 02-26-2007 11:23 AM

Sounds like todd is just alittle ahead of my husband Marvin. We only had 2 rad treatments started last thursday and will have first chemo this tuesday. Just wanted to let you know I would be praying for you both as you go though this. I was surprised to see Todd already has mouth sores, Marvin said his mouth is starting to get a little dry but I notice he is more tired already. Is Todd still working? Marvin wants to work as long as possible but I dont think it will last much longer. I would rather he stay home and rest more. Marvin is trying to get in his head that the eating is alot of mental toughness when he gets to the point that he wont want to eat or drink because nothing taste good and because of the pain. Keep in touch.
Posted By: grizzly708 Re: Help with Dry Mouth & Crankiness - 03-04-2007 03:52 PM
Hi Linda,

I have found a product called Oral Balance works well for the dry mouth. As for the crankiness, guess I am still the wrong grouch to answer that one! LOL
Good luck!

Posted By: JAM Re: Help with Dry Mouth & Crankiness - 03-05-2007 01:07 AM
Linda and Todd, the old standby for dry lips is Aquaphor [Walmart, etc] It is heavier than Vasoline- but really protects the skin.There are as many different sore mouth meds. as there are Doctors. It's a trial and error thing and you just need to keep being insistant that they find something that works. As far as the chemo nausea is concerned, we were lucky that the pre chemo meds John got worked for him-keep asking for something that will control the nausea. I do believe that bed rest as soon as possible after chemo helps. You all are going through the atoughest part of tx. now. Keep your heads up- it will get better. Amy in the Ozarks
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