My mom's g-tube is leaking pretty badly. The doc's at her local hospital tried to pull it out with the thought they'd replace it with a balloon type instead of the current peg type. They couldn't get the old one out, so they couldn't replace it with the balloon. She currently can't use the tube, and whenever she drinks water or Boost, the contents spills out of her stomach at the wound site. Being that it's a holiday, there's a lean staff at the hospital. No GI doc available at the local hospital for a couple of days, and the GI doc that she typically sees (where she was treated) is out of town for a week. I don't know what to expect. Is it reasonable to think that everything she trys to swallow will continue to leak out -- meaning she won't get any nutrition or hydration? I'm always a little leary of hospitals on weekends and holidays due to a lighter staff, but if this thing keeps leaking I'd better get to another hospital where they are better equipped to deal with this. Anyone have a similar problem w/a tube leaking? Thanks.
Didier- You could insist that she be admitted and fed and hydrated intravenously. *I would do that in your situation! Nutrition and fluids lost are very hard to regain. I think you should pitch a fit. Amy
Pitch a fit is EXACTLY what you should do. Take her to the ER and insist she be admitted and hydrated. I vote with Amy. Dehydration is nothing to take lightly.
Thanks for the advice. I brought her into the city last night, to the hospital where she had her ca treatment, and they took care of everything. 10 hours in the ER, but everything is repaired and appears to be working well. I'm a little ticked they couldn't handle this at the first hospital, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm on hour 30 and the double espresso isn't doing it's magic, so I'm off to dreamland. Have a nice 4th everyone and thanks again.
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