Posted By: doreen post-rad infection?? - 08-05-2005 09:15 PM
Lee finished rad 7/13(following radical neck dissection) and part of incision is now draining clear to slightly pus. Doc put him on Clindamycin and said could be 1)infection; 2) fistula; or 3)cancer in underlying tissues. We almost died when he said #3 although he feels is not most likely scenario, but will need mri nonetheless. Has anyone experienced these symptoms few weeks after rad. He has been doing Domeboro soaks and Aquaphor since before rad ended. Thanks,
Posted By: James Haucke Re: post-rad infection?? - 08-11-2005 02:35 PM
Hello Doreen,

This is exactly what I had about 2-3 weeks after radiation in May 2004. My oncologist sent me to the Ohio State Cancer Center where I had my surgery in Feb 2004. The doctor immediately diagnosed it as cellulitis infection from radiation. He drained about what looked like a pint of pus from the area on my neck where I had a neck dissection. They admitted me for two days and put me on strong antibiotics.

I was given augmentin to take in my PEG tube when released. I had to have the two areas drained packed 2-3 times a day for about a month with betadine soaked wrap. Home health care did this and it was covered by insurance. It seemed OK until mid-October 2004 when I noticed some clear drainage from one of the areas under my chin. No draining was required this time, but another prescription of augmentin cured the condition. No reoccurrances since then.
I would get to an ENT that specializes in oral cancers. I'm finding out this type of infection is not uncommon in oral cancer patients who had extensive radiation.
Hope this helps and I wish the best for him. By the way, thanks to nancyt and her posts, I'm seeing a maxillofacial prosthodontist at the Cancer Center in Spetember to see about a palatal drop mouth prosthesis that is supposed to help with speech. Also looking into something called a glossectomy spoon.

Jim Haucke

Stage 4 SCC base of tongue and pharynx; Feb 04 - subtotal glossectomy; pharyngoplasty; trach removed March 04; PEG tube still have; rad March 04-May 04; currently in speech & swallow therapy (passed barium swallow test last week for liquids and paste through an oral syringe)
Posted By: doreen Re: post-rad infection?? - 08-11-2005 04:44 PM
Hi Jim,
Thanks for info-your infection sounds much more severe than my husband's-he didnt have nearly that amt of drainage and was ever only a little pus-mostly clear drainage. His Ent's(he has 2-one did resection and one did reconstruction) as well as his rad onc, hem-onc, oral maxillo, and pm&r are all head and neck cancer specialists at Univ. of Penna. We saw ent again today and infection definitely looks better and is responding. He feels cancer is very much the least likely scenario. Good luck to you and thanks for responding.
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