Posted By: sweetpe1 Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 09-30-2014 01:10 AM
My mom is being released tomorrow morning from the hospital. She is still recovering slowly from surgery but we know the Chemo treatments must get started ASAP . The Oncologist visited her at the hospital today and said there were 2 Chemo treatment options. One would be taking a treatment everyday or the other choice would be taking a treatment once a week for three weeks. Which one is easier ? The Oncologist said the side effects are about the same but it seems to me taking 1 treatment a week would be a little easier and maybe less sickness. In your opinion which way should we go ?
Posted By: RhoeDogg Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 09-30-2014 03:05 AM
ask your oncologist about Herbitux!it saved my life!!!
Posted By: OzMojo Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 09-30-2014 03:06 AM
Medically the Oncologist will make an assessment based on your mother's specific case. The staging, the location, the past history etc. There is also the logistics of transporting her every day, which needs to be taken into account. She will have good days and bad days, but still have to turn up on bad days.

I suspect the Oncologist thinks the daily treatment option is medically better, with a better prognosis. Otherwise he would just recommend the easier weekly travel option. Ask him if thats the case, he'll have an opinion whether the better prognosis is worth the extra stress.
Posted By: sweetpe1 Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 10-01-2014 02:12 AM
Thank you for the help. we have an appointment on Monday and I will discuss which treatment is best. I guess I was trying to get an idea on which chemo makes you less sick ,but whatever the Doc thinks is best is what it will be. I'm just so scared she is going to get so sick that she may give up . we are trying to be as supportive as we can .
Posted By: OzMojo Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 10-01-2014 01:26 PM
Heidi you're doing a great job. Just be there for her when she's having it all explained by the doctors. A second set of ears is very helpful and comforting.
Posted By: sweetpe1 Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 10-01-2014 11:12 PM
Thank You OzMojo

I'm trying to do my best. I will be with my mother all the way through. I am all she has. I lost my father 3 years ago to a massive Heart Attack so my mom is alone. She has 2 brothers that are offering help also. I know its going to be a long road but I will be there to the end . I get so emotional some days just watching her getting so sick But I will be strong and get her through this.
Posted By: donfoo Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 10-02-2014 03:54 AM
The MO's staff might have the best insight as they have a lot more direct and frequent contact with the patients. See if you can informally ask a few what they see.

If they are giving the same drug but only different schedule and dosing, then one can likely assume the weekly dose will be greater than the fractions given on a daily basis.

My personal experience is the longer between dosing means harsher side effects as the body gets more chemo on the less frequent cycle. I did really well on weekly carbo and had a much harder time on the every three cycle. But that was a more harsh blend too which I am certain did not make it easier.

Good luck
Posted By: PaulB Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 10-02-2014 02:43 PM
Once you find out the name of the chemo or targeted therapy, post it here. There may be someone who did similar treatment, and can share their experience.

Good luck.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Help ! Which Chemo is easier. - 10-08-2014 03:48 PM
Chemo is funny - some just cause mild nausea and a general feeling of crappiness. That said, after a few treatments she will aclimatize to it and it won't generally be so bad.

hugs and stay strong.

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