Posted By: ngk Swollen gland - 09-15-2013 04:31 AM
I've had 9 treatments so far and I'm experiencing a mandibular gland or lymph node ?? that keeps getting bigger. It's under my jawline hard and about as big as an egg, also tender to the touch. I will see the dr next week as he was on vacation last week. His resident said it just a reaction to the radiation. Has anyone experienced this during treatment and so early in treatment? I can't even imagine it getting bigger as each day passes. Saliva is starting to get ropey and thick. I took of few sips of club soda, but didn't help. Do I need a lot more than a few sips? I know everyone is different but just wondering what helped some of you. Ahh, only my second week and of course am scared as I know this next week is when the sore throat is supposed to start. Doing my best to keep my eye on the prize...tho it seems so far away. Thanks to all who are constantly here for everyone.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Swollen gland - 09-15-2013 12:32 PM
Nancy, please try not to look towards a schedule when the bad side affects will begin. It will make you have a more difficult time of things. Everyone is different and some members did fairly well until about week 5 or 6, while others struggled from the first week.

The thick gunk will continue for a while. You can get suctioned out when you see the doc. Or ask a radiation nurse to do this for you. Some members have gotten a portable suction machine from a medical supply company with a doctors prescription.

Ask your doc to check out the node. It could be anything. This has even happened to my then 20 year old son. Turned out to be nothing.

Hang in there, we got your back smile
Posted By: JamesD Re: Swollen gland - 09-15-2013 01:38 PM
As far as thick gunk - the thickening secretions are normal and annoying. The salt water baking soda mix helps when used several times a day. Second option is to rinse with zero calorie soda. I used to buy a small 8 pack of Sprite Zero and rinse out my mouth. That gave relief as well.
Posted By: PaulB Re: Swollen gland - 09-15-2013 01:51 PM
I had the lump in my neck appearing during radistion, and was concerned too. Dr said the same thing, it was from radiation, I called it a turkey neck, and took about a year to subside, but do show it to your doctor. The the thick ropey mucus is from the radiation effect on the salivary glands, which make thick and thin saliva, some a combination, or more of one or the other, but the parotid gland mainly produces thin saliva, and radiation only destroys thin saliva, not thick, so is the reason for the thick secretions. that may subside 3 weeks after treatment. As mentioned, rinsing helps, soda, brushing the teeth, tongue, maybd with a soft or a baby tooth brush. Mucinex, robotusem help with the mucus, rinsing with papaya juice or pineapple juice, and another is meat tenderizer diluted with water or mix with the juices. Tea also helps break up mucus. Sleeping on an incline also helps prevent it from backing up.

Good luck.
Posted By: ngk Re: Swollen gland - 09-15-2013 05:23 PM
Thanks everyone, I will try them all until I find one that works. And yes Christine, are right. I tend to worry, always have since I was a very little girl. Perhaps this journey can break me of that horrible characteristic of mine.
Posted By: Mamacita Re: Swollen gland - 09-17-2013 07:03 PM
Hi Nancy, just want to say sorry it's getting rough. Wish I could offer more than solidarity! You got this --


Posted By: ngk Re: Swollen gland - 09-18-2013 12:32 AM
Thanks mamacita! xo
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