Posted By: KristenS almost one week out - 09-02-2013 05:34 PM
The ND hurts less than I thought, as far as the incision goes, but the swelling and limited motion is miserable. Can hardly open my mouth to insert food. Plus the pressure is triggering migraines, which cause anxiety attacks and vomiting when I cannot keep them under control. They did release me from the hospital a little early, bless them, after panic kept me throwing up one whole night. The nurses I had were fantastic.

Just want to cry with misery and frustration. And head pain.

My voice has improved. I no longer sound like a Dalek. But I could've landed a part voice-acting one last week. smile

And we were robbed of all our good lawn equipment sometime during all the chaos. They only took the good stuff my husband had specially saved for, and the gas can. One straw too many. He had finally gotten the tools he needed. frown

Can I weep for a day withou causing too much damage?

Posted By: Mamacita Re: almost one week out - 09-02-2013 11:45 PM
Hey Kristen, yes you can weep ... It's holding it back that does the real damage smile

I'm sorry that you're in such misery. Managing migraines and anxiety attacks along with an ND would put me beside myself. And how maddening to suffer a robbery, to boot.

Is it pressure from the surgical wound, or pressure from everything that's exacerbating the migraines?

Hang in there, you are just days out of surgery and things really do get better --


Posted By: KristenS Re: almost one week out - 09-03-2013 02:39 AM
I think it is pressure from the swelling, from panic, and from the storm front that ripped through last night. It should get better, right?
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