Posted By: Mamacita Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-01-2013 11:56 PM

6 weeks post neck dissection, my neck is periodically damp on the surgical side. I can't tell what the fluid is - colorless, odorless, sweat-like but not slick. Any ideas what this is?

I have significant lymphedema, could this even be lymphatic fluid?

Have to say, my selective ND bothers me waaaaaaaaaaay more than my tonsilectomy did. It's swollen, stings, pins and needles etc. I can only imagine how uncomfortable a radical ND would be. Cold packs would feel good but I've read that's not recommended for NDs.

They don't want to treat my lymphedema until after radiation. I guess treating it now would be like trying to drain a tub with the faucet running.

Thanks for any advice --

Posted By: PaulB Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 12:41 AM
I had it with my last neck dissection, I had three. My ENT said radiation will close it and did, I was worried it was a fistula, but he didn't think so. Honestly, I forget what he said to do. I would call or see your ENT. Good luck, Mama
Posted By: tamvonk Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 12:42 AM
I think you would be correct that this is lymph fluid. I would mention this to your team. The lymphoedema can be pretty extreme in terms of how swollen the face/neck gets. It has taken a good 12 months for Kris's lymphoedema to subside so that we both hardly notice it. But then he did have bilateral RND.
Talk to your team about the leak. They may have to treat this to halt the leak.
Best wishes,
Posted By: fishmanpa Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 01:10 AM
Dang Mamacita! That doesn't sound like fun! Sounds like lymph fluid but then I'm not a doctor. I had weeping and such the week or two post treatment but that was due to the rad burns. Four months out and I have some lymphedema but not too bad, however, the side effects from the neck dissection have been more persistent than the rad side effects.

Weakness in my left arm and shoulder, pain in the neck, stiffness etc. The neck and mouth exercises help but it's a constant battle to keep things loose.

Be persistent with your exercises and keep up with the creams to help the skin heal. Definitely contact your team to get a better idea of how to deal with this.

Positive thoughts and prayers


Posted By: ngk Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 04:38 AM
I'm sorry mamacita - I know this is the last thing you need before starting on Tuesday. I hope you can get some answers quickly.
Posted By: tina77 Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 01:25 PM
Mama, yep, I had it too - had to sleep with towels on my bed and pillows. My swelling is still present on the left side, although much less noticeable now, and I'm almost a year out.
Posted By: KristenS Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 05:09 PM
Seriously, the swelling can last HOW long? Geez. One week out and I am going crazy. And I feel moisture too though no one else notices.
Posted By: tina77 Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 07:17 PM
It was about 4 months before I stopped looking like a puffer fish, lol
Posted By: tamvonk Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 07:44 PM
Kris had such severe lymphoedema as he had extensive reconstruction surgery as well the bilateral RND.
Posted By: PaulB Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 07:59 PM
I was speaking of an open seeping wound not healing after the stitches were removed from the neck dissection, not lymphdemia, which increased in size, delayed closing, had granulization trying to scab. Prior radiation delays wound healing where given. I believe I had to use peroxide to clean, keep dry. Not sure about the Bactrim, but radiation afterwards closed it.
Posted By: Mandy Rose Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 09:18 PM
I too had this after my neck dissection, got so bad I had a catheter bag attached to my neck which I could drain at regular intervals, but after a couple of weeks it stopped. I am now 6 months out of surgery and swelling has completely gone down.
Posted By: Mamacita Re: Neck Dissection Damp???! - 09-02-2013 11:47 PM
Thanks everybody, I really appreciate knowing I'm not the only one to have a wet neck, and that it does get better.

I will ask the docs about it this week. I have a feeling, though, that it's going to be the least of my problems as treatment gets going.

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