Posted By: Chandra Update - 01-23-2012 06:23 PM
The new year has begun on a fairly positive note for me. I am thankful for the responses to my first posting here.
I have started on with my speech therapy from Jan 2nd. The therapists have told me that they will primarily concentrate on improving my jaw movements and opening which has been severely impaired due to the two surgeries and acute trismus. They have put me thorugh a series of exercise regimen to improve the ROM on my jaw and also to help me achieve better lip closure. There is some improvement that i can see. The actual speech therapy will begin only after they feel that the ROM is good and mouth opening is comfortable.

Meanwhile i had my review and check up yesterday with my Onco team since it is now post six months since surgery. After examination, endoscopy and other tests my surgeon has given the clean chit. In fact he said that the scarring and flap have healed well and said he will ask the Speech therapists to begin the process of "tongue mobilization". This is because my tongue is still stationary with only back and forth movement but no up-down movement. Need advice on:
1. what this mobilization entails and would i get a positive outcome. I get into depression since my speech clarity is quite abysmal and my profession demands clarity of speech. Will the mobilization enhance the quality and clarity of speech.
2. Will this also help in better eating especially in social settings? I still have only semi solid food and have to wash it down with juice or water.
3. When is the timeframe to have teeth implanted. All my bottom teeth except the two left molar ones have been removed during my first surgery.

Thanks and wishing all a healthy and happy 2012.

Posted By: Cheryld Re: Update - 01-24-2012 02:06 AM
So glad you're doing well! I did tongue exercises but It sound likes I have a bit more mobility than you - mine involved sticking mine out - side to side, curling it etc... Really helps! Good luck!
Posted By: Jenslp Re: Update - 01-24-2012 04:44 PM
Hey Chandra - great to hear that you're doing so well after all you've been through. Awesome that you're getting speech therapy - there is a lot of potential for progress! Do the exercises the SLP tells you to do - several times a day, every day.

The exercises can do SOOOOO very much in terms of gaining strength and ROM (range of motion) for your tongue/lips/cheeks/ throat which could improve speech quality and eating!!!

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