One of the down sides to having layers is when you lose a bunch of hair at the back of your head you loose the longest hairs... So now I have an awesome new bob without the help of a hair stylist... Not cool! But I as of Friday I am 20 days into my rads treatment, so it will be the end of week 4! It would have been day one of week 5 but gremlins got into the unit overnight and toyed with the rads machine - a part has to be replaced today. So they cancelled and are either going to double fry me a some point or tack a day onto the end. I may sound like a sucker for punishment but I am hoping for the double fry.
As it turns out i am also a chemo reject this week. Was supposed to go on monday but my WBC count was a little low - so they foisted me off to next week this sucks because I will not get chemo number three in. Apparently they can only give it during rads... But then if rads continues to work for 2 weeks after then I should be able to have it... Will quiz them next week.

Well past the point of mid week 4 - and so far so good. Still eating. Sores are healing thanks to the honey. Tried the peg feeds but I only get half a can in and then become nauseous. I'm managing lots of fluids but only about 1300-1400 cls a day. I may lose a little weight with this but not scary amounts. I'm swallowing fine though of course my tongue is swollen as is my throat but there's not a lot of pain so I'm okay.

This is all graet news Cheryl. I am VERY happy for you. I'm hopding up really well to. Going to see my RO after rads today. I might even let Mom come.
Awesome - sounds like your doing fantastic... Good luck today!
I am doing fantastic. Perhaps too well in that I'm thinking I should be having way more side effects. did come with me today and found out how much Roxicet my Mo's nurse practitioner gave me. They started out by giving me 500ml's. then I told the NP that I was taking like 20ml's at a time instead for the 5ml's perscribed so she said she was worried about all the Tylenol in there. So, she got me some more (without tylenol) but gave me 1,800ml's!!! because the co-pay was the same. Now I'm using a 25 microgram Fentynal patch and only useing the Roxicet for the "breakthrough" pain. I woke up this morning and didn't need any so that's good. I just really don't want to have to de-tox at the end of all this, but I guess I'll play it be ear. I'm very glad that you are doing so well and that the honey is helping. Don't worry about your hair. It will grow back and I'm sure you would be beautiful even if you were totally bald smile
Cheryl, watch those calories! You do not want to lose any weight while going thru treatments. You should be trying for 2500 minimum daily with 48 oz water every day. If you can get more in thats even better. At one point I would pack in 7000 calories a day and not gain an ounce. Your body burns up calories like crazy while you are going thru treatment. I really hope you start to get more in or you will begin to feel lousy, and end up being hospitalized for malnutrition. Other than that it sounds like you are doing fantastick!!! Dont worry about the hair, Im sure you look beautiful!
Ditto to what Christine said about the Calories. Have you got a pump for your peg. If so you may need to slow down how fast it is going into you. When steve got nausea's after his cisplatin we'd have to slow his pump down quite a bit so he could cope. He was having 6 cans a day most of the time but we did drop down to 4 when he had nausea and we ran the pump through the night while he slept. Most days he also ate icecream as it counted towards hydration and calories. Make sure you keep well hydrated Cheryl. It appeared to make a difference with how badly the nausea got steve. All the best with the rest of your treatment. You are almost at the end. Dont worry about the hair. Steve had 2 bald patches on the back of his head and lost his full beard but both have grown back.
I have lost a crazy amount of hair and not just where the rads are hitting me!!! Weird. Other than that I am doing fine. When I was running my feeds it would take 2 hours to go through. I cannot imagine it going in any slower. Like a drip every two seconds. I may be allergic to the feed itself. Going to talk to the dietician today. I am doing okay with real food. When I first started this whole ordeal I was on weight watchers - just trying to loose a few extra lbs. My last weigh in before diagnosis was 165. I lost at least 10 lbs in the hospital - post op, but pigged out right up til I couldn't taste food any more. Last week at weigh in I was 161. I originally thought I had lost 6 lbs in a week, according to the dietician's scale, but according to two other hospital scales I am 161. I know I am hitting the hardest part right. Now, but since I can eat by mouth that's what I am attempting. I will try ice cream - I had an Oreo ice cream sandwich 2 weeks ago and it tasted like dirt - maybe I'll just give plain old vanilla a try.

Thanks for the advice. Most of my food is in a semi liquid form, so hydration isnt a problem... Just the calories. Hugs to all!
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