Posted By: fullofquestions white patches from radiation? - 01-05-2011 04:09 AM
I have had 27 of my 33 IMRT treatments. Two or three weeks ago I noticed two small raised white areas on the side of my tongue (the larger is about the size of a pencil lead). I did not have SCC and you could not see any sign of my original tumor by just looking at the surface tissue. I finally asked my RO about the white patches today. He said they are scar tissue from the radiation and will go away-- nothing to worry about. However, there is this little paranoid thought nagging me because I have learned from reading all the posts from SCC patients that white patches are a concern. So I am wondering if anyone else developed patches like this during radiation therapy and if they did go away?
Posted By: Gary Re: white patches from radiation? - 01-05-2011 05:45 AM
I had white patches and some were mouth sores and sometimes it was thrush. Eventually it all resolved. The thrush required an antifungal like Diflucan.
Posted By: fullofquestions Re: white patches from radiation? - 01-05-2011 11:58 AM
Thanks Gary-- makes me feel much better (not that I don't trust my RO, but helps to hear it from someone who has been through it!)
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