Posted By: jm91 mom's surgery done/ need lots of advice - 09-26-2007 01:59 PM
I haven't posted in a few weeks...we were just awaiting surgery for my mom's stage 4 oral cancer on her lower gums with possible 2 nodes involved.

She had her surgery yesterday and is still in ICU but seems to be stable. The surgery ran longer than expected because the surgeon ran into some complications. They had tried to remove part of her jawbone and leave enough for her to function with but the remaining bone shattered so they had to do an implant with titanium. Also they noticed some tongue involvement and had to take a small portion of her tongue at the very back.

Due to limited bed space she had to be kept in the recovery room for about 10 hours after surgery and we only got to see her twice for about 2 minutes each time.

She looked so so frightened and it broke my heart to leave her there with a bunch of strangers unable to communicate. I cried and cried all the way home and for a few hours after. She looked so frail and was still on a respirator and was in alot of distress the second time i saw her.

I prayed that she would make it through the night.

I have a two year old at home and a 10 yr old home from school sick so I could not go to the hospital this morning to see her or be with her.

My sister went first thing this morning and has been with her all day.

She said she is resting more comfortably today and was even able to write a few questions down.

I have so many questions to ask of all the experts on here but right now a sick child is summoning me.

Please keep my mom (mary) in your prayers.

Posted By: brenfran25 Re: mom's surgery done/ need lots of advice - 09-26-2007 03:33 PM
We're here with you in cyberspace and for you!
I'm glad your mom is feeling more comfortable today and she is lucky to have 2 lovely daughters who care for her and about her.

Keep posting and let us know how she gets on

Posted By: PharmGirl Re: mom's surgery done/ need lots of advice - 09-26-2007 05:12 PM
Hi Jackie,

I know exactly how you feel as it was not that long ago that I stood in the same spot you did. It was tough leaving Dad at the hospital when we needed to go home. I don't know how it is at the hospital where your mother is, but where Dad was, when he was in the Surgical Trama Unit, he had one nurse assigned to him and only him.

I'm sure you mom is in good hands where she is. Call the unit and check on her as much as you would like. The staff where we were told us if we woke up at 2 in the morning and wanted to call that it was fine.

Hang in there. It does get better.

Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

Posted By: Dr. Mike Re: mom's surgery done/ need lots of advice - 09-26-2007 05:34 PM
You are one strong woman. Know that we are all thinking of you, your son and your mother and praying for all of you as well.
When you're ready fire away with the questions I'm sure you will find the answers her and be able to help your mother with her recovery.

God Bless,

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