Posted By: donmeily soft tissue plasmacytoma - 11-28-2006 07:16 AM
I am going thru 25 IMRT tx
5 done 20 togo
starting to get a metal taste whats next.
using fluride mouth wash.
did any one have this.
like to know what to expect.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: soft tissue plasmacytoma - 11-28-2006 11:27 AM

Are you also having chemo? If so, what type and frequency.

With just the rad, you will most likely:

1. Soon loose your taste which will take months post Tx to return;

2. Begin to get real sore in the mouth/throat area and will not be able to tolerate solid foods;

3. Be sensitive to cold liquids;

4. Be on pain meds which can cause nausea;

5. Feel tired and weak;

6. Start to produce thick mucous which eventually turns into dry mouth that will take months post Tx to recover;

7. Will loose facial hair and the hair on the back of your neck some of which will slowly return post Tx and some of which will not;

8. Begin to develope sunburn like conditions on the outside of your neck where the rad goes in;

9. Develope mouth sores;

10. Loose your appetite;

11. Become nauseated.

They tell us that everyone can react differently to the Tx but you will probably experience most, if not all of these side effects. Some will begin shortly and some will come later. Some will go away within weeks after your Tx ends and some will take much longer to resolve. Your docs need to know everything that you experience so that they may prescribe appropriate meds. Some meds may not work or may produce worse side effects so let them know that to.

It is extremely important to keep yourself well hydrated and nourished. Ask your docs how much water and calories they want you to consume daily. This will most likely be your biggest challenge.

Hope this proves helpful.
Posted By: donmeily Re: soft tissue plasmacytoma - 11-28-2006 11:40 AM
thanks for reply
no chemo
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